Source code for enums

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 SAP SE
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# This file is part of FEDEM -

This module contains some enum definitions for the ``fedempy`` package.
They are python equivalents to corresponding enum definitions in the C++ code
of the `FedemDB` shared object library (see the `fedem_mdb` repository).
The numerical value of each enum value in this module should therefore
not be changed without a similar change in the C++ equivalent,
to preserve consistency.

from enum import Enum

[docs] class FmType(Enum): """ This enumerator identifies the various object types a Fedem mechanism model may consist of. They are mapped onto a corresponding type ID value of the C++ classes in the `FedemDB.C` source file (see the `fedem_mdb` repository). """ ALL = 0 TRIAD = 1 BEAM = 2 FEPART = 3 BEAM_PROP = 4 MAT_PROP = 5 JOINT = 6 RIGID_JOINT = 7 REVOLUTE_JOINT = 8 BALL_JOINT = 9 FREE_JOINT = 10 PRISMATIC_JOINT = 11 CYLINDRIC_JOINT = 12 CAM_JOINT = 13 LOAD = 14 FUNCTION = 15 SENSOR = 16 AXIAL_SPRING = 17 AXIAL_DAMPER = 18 STRAIN_ROSETTE = 19
[docs] class FmLoadType(Enum): """ This enumerator identifies the two external load types a Fedem model. The values corresponds to the enum values in the C++ class ``FmLoad``. (see the `fedem_mdb` repository). """ FORCE = 0 TORQUE = 1
[docs] class FmDofStat(Enum): """ This enumerator identifies the available DOF constraint types. The values corresponds to the ``FmHasDOFsBase::DOFStatus`` enum values (see the `fedem_mdb` repository). """ FREE = 0 FIXED = 1 PRESCRIBED = 2 FREE_DYN = 3 SPRING = 4 SPRING_DYN = 5
[docs] class FmDof(Enum): """ This enumerator identifies the local DOF components in an object. The values corresponds to the ``FmIsMeasuredBase::SensorDof`` enum values (see the `fedem_mdb` repository). """ TX = 0 TY = 1 TZ = 2 RX = 3 RY = 4 RZ = 5 LENGTH = 6 MAX_PR = 13 MIN_PR = 14 SA_MAX = 15 VMISES = 16 GAGE_1 = 17 GAGE_2 = 18 GAGE_3 = 19
[docs] class FmVar(Enum): """ This enumerator identifies the result quantities that may be measured. The values corresponds to the ``FmIsMeasuredBase::SensorEntity`` enum values (see the `fedem_mdb` repository). """ POS = 0 LOCAL_VEL = 1 GLOBAL_VEL = 2 LOCAL_ACC = 3 GLOBAL_ACC = 4 DISTANCE = 5 VEL = 6 ACC = 7 REL_POS = 8 SPR_ANG = 9 SPR_DEFL = 10 SPR_FORCE = 11 DAMP_ANG = 12 DAMP_VEL = 13 DAMP_FORCE = 14 LENGTH = 15 DEFLECTION = 16 FORCE = 17 LOCAL_FORCE = 18 GLOBAL_FORCE = 19 STRAIN = 24 STRESS = 25