Source code for fmm_solver

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 SAP SE
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# This file is part of FEDEM -

Python wrapper for the native fedem dynamics solver
which operates directly on fedem mechanism model files (`*.fmm`).

This module relies on the following environment variables:

| *FEDEM_REDUCER* = Full path to the Fedem reducer shared object library
| *FEDEM_SOLVER* = Full path to the Fedem solver shared object library
| *FEDEM_MDB* = Full path to the Fedem model database shared object library

The first variable needs to be set only if FE model reduction
is to be performed. The other two variables are mandatory.

This module can also be launched directly, to run a specified model,
using the syntax

| ``python -m fedempy.fmm_solver -f mymodel.fmm [--reduce-fem] [--save-model]``

This will then invoke the method :meth:`fmm_solver.FmmSolver.solve_all`
on the specified model-file (`mymodel.fmm`). If you already have a directory
populated with Fedem solver input files, you can run the solver directly on
those files by launching this module without arguments, i.e.:

| ``python -m fedempy.fmm_solver``

from argparse import ArgumentParser
from os import environ, getcwd, path

from fedempy.fmm import FedemModel, FmType
from fedempy.inverse import InverseSolver
from fedempy.reducer import FedemReducer
from fedempy.solver import FedemException, FedemSolver

def _solver_options(solver, rdbdir=""):
    Sets up the standard solver command-line options,
    taking into account the *.fco, *.fop and *.fao files, if they exist.
    opts = ["-cwd", rdbdir, "-terminal", "-1"] if rdbdir else []
    for ext in ("fco", "fop", "fao"):
        option_file = solver + "." + ext
        if path.isfile(rdbdir + option_file):
            opts += ["-" + ext, option_file]

    return opts

def _count_lines(file_name):
    Counts the number of lines in a file.
    count = 0
    if path.isfile(file_name):
        with open(file_name, "r") as file:
            for _ in file:
                count += 1

    return count

def _get_resfile(rdbdir, solver_name):
    Extracts the actual res-file name from the fop-file for a solver process.
    fop_file = rdbdir + solver_name + ".fop"
    if path.isfile(fop_file):
        with open(fop_file, "r") as fopf:
            for line in fopf:
                if line.find("-resfile") == 0:
                    return rdbdir + line[10:-2]  # Remove the enclosing ""

    return rdbdir + solver_name + ".res"

def _print_res(file_name):
    Prints the contents of the specified res-file, the first 100 lines
    and the last part of it from the first Error message occuring, if any.
    print("     Check", file_name, "for error messages.")
    print("     Here is the file content:")
    with open(file_name, "r") as resf:
        print_line = 1
        for count, line in enumerate(resf):
            if line.find("Error :") == 0:
                print_line = 2
            elif count > 100 and print_line == 1:
                print_line = 0
                print("     . . .")
            if print_line > 0:
                print("%8d %s" % (count + 1, line.rstrip()))
    print("#### End of file", file_name, flush=True)

[docs] class FmmSolver(FedemSolver): """ This subclass of FedemSolver adds the possibility to start a simulation on a specified fedem model file. Parameters ---------- model_file : str, default=None Absolute path to the fedem model file to start the simulation on use_internal_state : bool, default=False If True, internal state arrays are allocated (for microbatching) keep_old_res : bool, default=False Option to not overwrite any existing res-file in the RDB directory Methods ------- start: Starts a simulation on the specified model file close_model: Closes the currently open model solve_all: Starts and runs through a simulation on the specified model file set_input: Assigns sensor value to a tagged external function """ def __init__(self, model_file=None, use_internal_state=False, keep_old_res=False): """ Constructor. Optionally starts the simulation, if a model file is specified. """ if "FEDEM_SOLVER" not in environ: raise FedemException("Environment variable FEDEM_SOLVER not defined") if "FEDEM_MDB" not in environ: raise FedemException("Environment variable FEDEM_MDB not defined") super().__init__(environ["FEDEM_SOLVER"], None, use_internal_state) self._model = FedemModel(environ["FEDEM_MDB"]) self._reducer = None self._func_map = {} # Start the Fedem dynamics solver status = self.start(model_file, keep_old_res) if status < 0: raise FedemException( "Failed to start Fedem on " + model_file + f" ({status})" ) def _init_func_map(self): """ Initializes the tag -> channel_index map for external functions. """ chn = 1 tag = self._model.fm_get_func_tag(chn) while tag is not None: if tag: self._func_map[tag] = chn chn += 1 tag = self._model.fm_get_func_tag(chn) def _reduce_fe_model(self): """ Reduces all FE parts in the currently open model, which are not already redused. Returns ------- int Number of FE parts that was reduced, negative on error """ if self._reducer is None: if "FEDEM_REDUCER" not in environ: return 0 self._reducer = FedemReducer(environ["FEDEM_REDUCER"]) num_reduced = 0 # Get list (of base Id) of the FE parts in the model fe_parts = self._model.fm_get_objects(FmType.FEPART) for base_id in fe_parts: # Check if this part is reduced and create reducer input files if not rdbdir = self._model.fm_write_reducer(base_id) if len(rdbdir) > 0: # Run the FE part reducer num_reduced += 1 if"fedem_reducer", rdbdir)) != 0: print(" *** Reduction failure for FE part", base_id) _print_res(_get_resfile(rdbdir, "fedem_reducer")) return -num_reduced print(" * FE Part", base_id, "successfully reduced", flush=True) self._model.fm_sync_part(base_id) if num_reduced > 0: print("#### FE model reduction done.", flush=True) return num_reduced
[docs] def start( self, model_file, keep_old_res=False, close_model=False, reduce_fem=False, state_data=None, gauge_data=None, extf_input=None, time_start=None, ): """ Starts a simulation on the specified model file. Parameters ---------- model_file : str Absolute path of the Fedem model file to run the solver on keep_old_res : bool, default=False Option to not overwrite any existing res-file in the RDB directory close_model : bool, default=False If True, release the model from memory before solver start reduce_fem : bool, default=False If True, and the model contains FE parts, they will be reduced before the solver is started, unless the reduced matrix files already exist state_data : list of float, default=None Complete state vector to restart simulation from gauge_data : list of float, default=None Initial strain gauge values for restart extf_input : list of float, default=None Initial external function values, for initial equilibrium iterations time_start : float, default=None Optional start time of simulation, override setting in model file Returns ------- int Zero on success, otherwise negative """ if model_file is None: return 0 # do nothing if no model file specified # Count the number of lines in the existing log-file log_file = model_file.replace(".fmm", ".log") this_log = _count_lines(log_file) # Local function for printing the model log-file when shit happens. def error_exit(status): self._model.fm_close(True) print(" Here is the model log:") with open(log_file, "r") as logf: for count, line in enumerate(logf): if count >= this_log: print(line.rstrip()) print("#### End of log for", model_file, flush=True) return status # Read the fedem model file into the internal datastructure if not self._model.fm_open(model_file): print(" *** Failed to open model file", model_file) print(" in working directory", getcwd()) return error_exit(-97) print(" * Model file", model_file, "successfully opened") print(" Number of Triads:", self._model.fm_count(FmType.TRIAD)) print(" Number of Joints:", self._model.fm_count(FmType.JOINT)) print(" Number of Beams:", self._model.fm_count(FmType.BEAM)) print(" Number of Parts:", self._model.fm_count(FmType.FEPART)) print(" Total number of mechanism objects:", self._model.fm_count()) # Check for FE model reduction num_red = self._reduce_fe_model() if reduce_fem else 0 if num_red < 0: return error_exit(-98) # Create the results database file structure # populated with the solver input files rdbdir = self._model.fm_write_solver(keep_old_res) if len(rdbdir) < 1: print(" *** Failed to write solver input.") return error_exit(-99) # Initialize the tag -> channel_index map for external functions self._init_func_map() # Optionally close the model before starting the solver. # The model file can then not be updated with the new results. if close_model: self.close_model(num_red > 0) # Start the dynamics solver options = _solver_options("fedem_solver", rdbdir) if time_start is not None: options.append("-timeStart=" + str(time_start)) status = self.solver_init(options, None, state_data, gauge_data, extf_input) if status < 0: if not close_model: self._model.fm_close(True) print(" *** Failed to start the dynamics solver.") _print_res(_get_resfile(rdbdir, "fedem_solver")) return status
[docs] def close_model(self, save=False, remove_singletons=False): """ Closes the currently open model. Parameters ---------- save : bool, default=False If True, the model file is updated based on current result files remove_singletons : bool, default=False If True, heap-allocated singelton objects are also released Returns ------- bool True on success, otherwise False """ if save: print(" * Saving updated model") status = self._model.fm_save() else: status = True self._model.fm_close(not status or remove_singletons) return status
[docs] def solve_all(self, model_file, save_model=True, reduce_fem=False): """ Starts and runs through a simulation on the specified model file. Parameters ---------- model_file : str Absolute path of the Fedem model file to run the solver on save_model : bool, default=True If True, save the model file with new results when solver finished reduce_fem : bool, default=False If True, and the model contains FE parts, they will be reduced before the solver is started, unless the reduced matrix files already exist Returns ------- int Zero on success, otherwise negative """ if model_file is None: # Run the solver directly in current working directory, # if it contains some solver input files (fco, fop, etc). # Otherwise, do nothing. options = _solver_options("fedem_solver") return self.run_all(options) if options else 0 print("\n#### Running dynamics solver on", model_file) ierr = self.start(model_file, True, False, reduce_fem) if ierr < 0: print(f" *** Solver failed to start ({ierr}).") return ierr # Run through the entire time series while self.solve_next(): pass # Dummy statement if self.solver_done() == 0 and self.ierr.value == 0: print(" Time step loop OK, solver closed") self.close_model(save_model) else: self.close_model(False, True) print(" *** Dynamics solver failed", self.ierr.value) return self.ierr.value
[docs] def set_input(self, func_tag, value=None): """ This method may be used prior to the solve_next call, to assign a sensor value from a physical twin to the specified actuator or load in the model, identified by the argument func_tag. Parameters ---------- func_tag : str Tag of the external function to be assigned new value value : float, default=None The value to be assigned Returns ------- bool Always True, unless the specified function is not found """ if func_tag in self._func_map: return self.set_ext_func(self._func_map[func_tag], value) return False
[docs] class FmmInverse(FmmSolver, InverseSolver): """ This class augments FmmSolver with inverse solution capabilities. Parameters ---------- model_file : str Absolute path to the fedem model file to start the simulation on config : dictionary Inverse solver configuration use_internal_state : bool, default=False If True, internal state arrays are allocated (for microbatching) keep_res : bool, default=False Option to not overwrite any existing res-file in the RDB directory """ def __init__(self, model_file, config, use_internal_state=False, keep_res=False): """ Constructor. Optionally starts the simulation, if a model file is specified. """ # Initialize the dynamics solver FmmSolver.__init__(self, model_file, use_internal_state, keep_res) # Initialize the inverse solver InverseSolver.__init__(self, self, config)
if __name__ == "__main__": parser = ArgumentParser(description="Python Fedem Solver") parser.add_argument( "-f", "--model-file", required=False, help="Fedem model file to open" ) parser.add_argument( "-s", "--save-model", action="store_true", help="Save updated model file" ) parser.add_argument( "-r", "--reduce-fem", action="store_true", help="Reduce model before solve" ) model = FmmSolver() model.solve_all(**vars(parser.parse_args()))