Source code for modeler

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 SAP SE
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# This file is part of FEDEM -

Python wrapper for the native fedem modeler.

This module provides functionality for creating new Fedem models,
and for modifying existing ones.

from ctypes import POINTER, byref, c_bool, c_char_p, c_double, c_int
from os import environ, path

from fedempy.enums import FmDof, FmDofStat, FmType, FmVar
from fedempy.fmm import FedemModel, _convert_char, _convert_int, _convert_real

def _convert_bool(arg):
    Converts a boolean from Python to C type.
    if arg is None:
        return c_bool(False)

    if isinstance(arg, bool):
        return c_bool(arg)

    if isinstance(arg, c_bool):
        return arg

    raise TypeError(f"Expected {bool} or {c_bool}, got {type(arg)}.")

def _convert_int_array(arg):
    Converts an array of integers from Python to C type.
    if arg is None:
        return c_int(0), None

    if isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)):
        argc = len(arg)
        if argc > 0:
            argv = (c_int * argc)()
            argv[:] = arg
            argv = None
        return c_int(argc), argv

    if hasattr(arg, "_length_") and getattr(arg, "_type_", None) is c_int:
        return c_int(len(arg)), arg

    raise TypeError(f"Expected {list} or {c_int}, got {type(arg)}.")

def _convert_float_array(arg):
    Converts an array of floats from Python to C type.
    if arg is None:
        return c_int(0), None

    if isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)):
        argc = len(arg)
        if argc > 0:
            argv = (c_double * argc)()
            argv[:] = arg
            argv = None
        return c_int(argc), argv

    if hasattr(arg, "_length_") and getattr(arg, "_type_", None) is c_double:
        return c_int(len(arg)), arg

    raise TypeError(f"Expected {list} or {c_double}, got {type(arg)}.")

def _extract_dofs(arg):
    Extracts 6 DOF values into a c_double array from a dictionary.
    if not isinstance(arg, dict):
        return None

    has_dofs = False
    dof_tags = ["Tx", "Ty", "Tz", "Rx", "Ry", "Rz"]
    dof_vals = (c_double * 6)(*([0.0] * 6))
    for key, value in arg.items():
        if key in dof_tags:
            dof_vals[dof_tags.index(key)] = _convert_real(value)
            has_dofs = True

    if has_dofs:
        return dof_vals

    return None  # Return nothing if no DOF tags were found

def _extract_polyline(arg):
    Extracts data for a polyline function from a dictionary.
    coord = arg["xy"]
    n_ = c_int(len(coord))
    x_ = (c_double * len(coord))()
    y_ = (c_double * len(coord))()
    x_[:] = [c_double(c[0]) for c in coord]
    y_[:] = [c_double(c[1]) for c in coord]
    extrap = ["NONE", "FLAT", "LINEAR"]
    e_type = arg.get("extrapol_type", extrap[0])
    if e_type in extrap:
        e_ = c_int(extrap.index(e_type))
        e_ = c_int(0)

    return n_, x_, y_, e_

[docs] class FedemModeler(FedemModel): """ This subclass of :class:`fmm.FedemModel` adds some basic modeling methods. Parameters ---------- model_file : str, default=None Absolute path to the fedem model file to open force_new : bool, default=False If True, any existing model will be overwritten on save plugins : str or list of str, default=None Plugin libraries with user-defined elements and functions Methods ------- open: Opens the specified model file save: Saves current model into the specified model file close: Closes the currently open model make_triad: Creates a triad at specified location or node make_beam: Creates a string of beam elements make_beam_section: Creates a beam cross section property object make_beam_material: Creates a material property object make_spring: Creates a spring element make_damper: Creates a damper element make_joint: Creates a joint object make_load: Creates an external load object make_function: Creates a general function object make_sensor: Creates a sensor object make_fe_part: Creates an FE part make_strain_rosette: Creates a strain rosette on an FE part make_udelm: Creates a string of user-defined elements edit_triad: Modifies an existing triad edit_part: Modifies an existing FE part edit_joint: Modifies an existing joint edit_function: Modifies an existing function solver_setup: Setting dynamics solver parameters """ def __init__(self, model_file=None, force_new=False, plugins=None): """ Constructor. Optionally opens a Fedem model, if a model file name is specified. """ fedem_lib = environ.get("FEDEM_MDB") if not fedem_lib: print("\n *** Environment variable FEDEM_MDB is not set!", flush=True) return # This will probably cause crash later, but not here if isinstance(plugins, str): super().__init__(fedem_lib, plugins) elif isinstance(plugins, list) and len(plugins) > 0: if len(plugins) > 1: super().__init__(fedem_lib, plugins[0], plugins[1]) else: super().__init__(fedem_lib, plugins[0]) else: super().__init__(fedem_lib) self._fmlib.FmCreateTriad.restype = c_int self._fmlib.FmCreateTriad.argtypes = [ c_char_p, c_double, c_double, c_double, c_double, c_double, c_double, ] self._fmlib.FmTriadOnNode.restype = c_int self._fmlib.FmTriadOnNode.argtypes = [c_char_p, c_int, c_int] self._fmlib.FmCreateBeam.restype = c_int self._fmlib.FmCreateBeam.argtypes = [c_char_p, c_int, c_int] self._fmlib.FmCreateBeamProperty.restype = c_int self._fmlib.FmCreateBeamProperty.argtypes = [ c_char_p, c_int, c_int, POINTER(c_double), ] self._fmlib.FmCreateMaterialProperty.restype = c_int self._fmlib.FmCreateMaterialProperty.argtypes = [ c_char_p, c_int, POINTER(c_double), ] self._fmlib.FmCreateSpring.restype = c_int self._fmlib.FmCreateSpring.argtypes = [ c_char_p, c_int, c_int, c_double, c_bool, c_double, POINTER(c_int), c_int, POINTER(c_double), POINTER(c_double), c_int, c_int, ] self._fmlib.FmCreateDamper.restype = c_int self._fmlib.FmCreateDamper.argtypes = [ c_char_p, c_int, c_int, c_bool, c_double, POINTER(c_int), c_int, POINTER(c_double), POINTER(c_double), c_int, ] self._fmlib.FmCreateJoint.restype = c_int self._fmlib.FmCreateJoint.argtypes = [ c_char_p, c_int, c_int, POINTER(c_int), c_int, ] self._fmlib.FmCreateLoad.restype = c_int self._fmlib.FmCreateLoad.argtypes = [ c_char_p, c_int, c_int, c_double, c_double, c_double, c_char_p, c_int, ] self._fmlib.FmCreateMathExprFunc.restype = c_int self._fmlib.FmCreateMathExprFunc.argtypes = [ c_char_p, c_char_p, c_char_p, c_bool, ] self._fmlib.FmCreateExternalFunc.restype = c_int self._fmlib.FmCreateExternalFunc.argtypes = [c_char_p, c_char_p, c_bool] self._fmlib.FmCreateSineFunc.restype = c_int self._fmlib.FmCreateSineFunc.argtypes = [ c_char_p, c_char_p, POINTER(c_double), c_bool, ] self._fmlib.FmCreateLinearFunc.restype = c_int self._fmlib.FmCreateLinearFunc.argstypes = [ c_char_p, c_char_p, POINTER(c_double), c_bool, ] self._fmlib.FmCreatePolyFunc.restype = c_int self._fmlib.FmCreatePolyFunc.argtypes = [ c_char_p, c_char_p, c_int, POINTER(c_double), POINTER(c_double), c_int, c_bool, ] self._fmlib.FmCreateDeviceFunc.restype = c_int self._fmlib.FmCreateDeviceFunc.argtypes = [ c_char_p, c_char_p, c_char_p, c_char_p, c_double, c_bool, c_double, c_bool, ] self._fmlib.FmCreateSensor.restype = c_int self._fmlib.FmCreateSensor.argtypes = [ c_char_p, c_char_p, c_int, c_int, c_int, c_int, ] self._fmlib.FmSetFunctionArg.restype = c_bool self._fmlib.FmSetFunctionArg.argtypes = [c_int, c_int, c_int, c_int, c_int] self._fmlib.FmLoadPart.restype = c_int self._fmlib.FmLoadPart.argtypes = [c_char_p, c_char_p] self._fmlib.FmCreateStrainRosette.restype = c_int self._fmlib.FmCreateStrainRosette.argtypes = [ c_char_p, c_int, c_int, POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_double), c_double, c_bool, ] self._fmlib.FmCreateUDE2.restype = c_int self._fmlib.FmCreateUDE2.argtypes = [c_char_p, c_int, c_int] self._fmlib.FmCreateAssembly.restype = c_int self._fmlib.FmCreateAssembly.argtypes = [c_char_p, c_int, POINTER(c_int)] self._fmlib.FmMoveObject.restype = c_bool self._fmlib.FmMoveObject.argtypes = [c_int, POINTER(c_double), c_int, c_int] self._fmlib.FmConstrainObject.restype = c_bool self._fmlib.FmConstrainObject.argtypes = [c_int, c_int, c_int] self._fmlib.FmAddMass.restype = c_bool self._fmlib.FmAddMass.argtypes = [c_int, c_int, POINTER(c_double), c_int] self._fmlib.FmDofProperty.restype = c_bool self._fmlib.FmDofProperty.argtypes = [c_int, c_int, c_int, c_double, c_int] self._fmlib.FmStructDamp.restype = c_bool self._fmlib.FmStructDamp.argtypes = [c_int, c_double, c_double] self._fmlib.FmReduceOpts.restype = c_bool self._fmlib.FmReduceOpts.argtypes = [c_int, c_int, c_bool] self._fmlib.FmRecoverOpts.restype = c_bool self._fmlib.FmRecoverOpts.argtypes = [c_int, c_int, c_bool] if model_file is None or not path.isfile(model_file) or force_new: self.fm_new(model_file) elif not self.fm_open(model_file): print(" *** Failed to open model file", model_file) def _convert_ids(self, obj_ids, obj_type): """ Convenience method, to reduce cognitive complexity. """ if isinstance(obj_ids, list): return obj_ids return self._convert_id(obj_ids, obj_type, True)
[docs] def open(self, model_file): """ Opens the specified model file and prints out some key model parameters. Parameters ---------- model_file : str Absolute path of the Fedem model file to open Returns ------- bool True on success, otherwise False """ if not self.fm_open(model_file): print(" *** Failed to open model file", model_file) return False print(" * Model file", model_file, "successfully opened") print(" Number of Triads:", self.fm_count(FmType.TRIAD)) print(" Number of Beams:", self.fm_count(FmType.BEAM)) print(" Number of Parts:", self.fm_count(FmType.FEPART)) print(" Total number of mechanism objects:", self.fm_count()) return True
[docs] def save(self, model_file=None): """ Saves current model into the specified model file. If no model_file is given, that last opened model file is overwritten. Parameters ---------- model_file : str, default=None Absolute path of the Fedem model file to save to Returns ------- bool True on success, otherwise False """ status = self.fm_save(model_file) if not status: print(" *** Failed to save model file", model_file) return status
[docs] def close(self, save=False, remove_singletons=False): """ Closes the currently open model. Parameters ---------- save : bool, default=False If True, the model file is updated with the current model remove_singletons : bool, default=False If True, heap-allocated singelton objects are also released Returns ------- bool True on success, otherwise False """ status = self.fm_save() if save else True if not status: print(" *** Failed to save current fedem model") self.fm_close(True) else: self.fm_close(remove_singletons) return status
[docs] def make_triad(self, name, pos=None, rot=None, node=0, on_part=0, tag=None): """ Creates a new triad at specified location or nodal point. Parameters ---------- name : str Description of the new triad pos : (float, float, float) Global XYZ-coordinates of new triad rot : (float, float, float), default=None Global Euler angles giving the orientation of new triad node : int, default=0 FE node number to associate the triad with. Used only if `on_part` is specified. on_part : int or str, default=0 Base Id or tag of the part that this triad should be attached to. You can also specify the Reference plane here, to create a new triad that is attached to ground. tag : str, default=None Tag to associate the created triad with Returns ------- int Base Id of new triad, zero or negative on error """ part_ = self._convert_id(on_part) if node > 0 and part_.value > 2: triad = self._fmlib.FmTriadOnNode( _convert_char(name), _convert_int(node), part_ ) elif len(pos) < 3: print(" *** Invalid Triad position", pos) triad = -1 elif rot is None: if len(pos) > 5: triad = self._fmlib.FmCreateTriad( _convert_char(name), _convert_real(pos[0]), _convert_real(pos[1]), _convert_real(pos[2]), _convert_real(pos[3]), _convert_real(pos[4]), _convert_real(pos[5]), part_, ) else: triad = self._fmlib.FmCreateTriad( _convert_char(name), _convert_real(pos[0]), _convert_real(pos[1]), _convert_real(pos[2]), c_double(0), c_double(0), c_double(0), part_, ) elif len(rot) < 3: print(" *** Invalid Triad rotation", rot) triad = -1 else: triad = self._fmlib.FmCreateTriad( _convert_char(name), _convert_real(pos[0]), _convert_real(pos[1]), _convert_real(pos[2]), _convert_real(rot[0]), _convert_real(rot[1]), _convert_real(rot[2]), part_, ) if tag is not None and triad > 0: self.fm_tag_object(triad, tag) return triad
[docs] def make_beam(self, name, triads, bprop=None, tag=None): """ Creates a string of beam elements. Parameters ---------- name : str Description of the new beam(s) triads : list of int or list of str List of base Ids or tags of the connected triads bprop : int or str, default=None Base Id or tag of beam property to use tag : str, default=None Tag to associate the created beam(s) with Returns ------- list of int Base Ids of the created beams, None if error """ if len(triads) < 2: print(" *** make_beam: At least two triads must be specified") return None base_ids = [] for i in range(len(triads) - 1): base_id = self._fmlib.FmCreateBeam( _convert_char(name), self._convert_id(triads[i], FmType.TRIAD), self._convert_id(triads[i + 1], FmType.TRIAD), self._convert_id(bprop, FmType.BEAM_PROP), ) if base_id < 1: return None base_ids.append(base_id) if tag is not None: self.fm_tag_object(base_ids, tag) return base_ids
[docs] def make_beam_section(self, name, mat, bprops, tag=None): """ Creates a beam cross section property object. Parameters ---------- name : str Description of the new beam property mat : int or str Cross section type flag. If zero, a Generic cross section is defined. If str or a non-zero int, a Pipe cross section is defined, and the value gives the tag or base Id of the material to use. bprop : list of float List of property data tag : str, default=None Tag to associate the created beam property with Returns ------- int Base Id of beam property object, zero or negative on error """ nprop_, prop_ = _convert_float_array(bprops) bprop = self._fmlib.FmCreateBeamProperty( _convert_char(name), self._convert_id(mat, FmType.MAT_PROP), nprop_, prop_, ) if tag is not None and bprop > 0: self.fm_tag_object(bprop, tag) return bprop
[docs] def make_beam_material(self, name, mprops, tag=None): """ Creates a material property object. Parameters ---------- name : str Description of the new material property mprop : list of float List of property data tag : str, default=None Tag to associate the created material property with Returns ------- int Base Id of material property object, zero or negative on error """ nprop_, prop_ = _convert_float_array(mprops) mprop = self._fmlib.FmCreateMaterialProperty(_convert_char(name), nprop_, prop_) if tag is not None and mprop > 0: self.fm_tag_object(mprop, tag) return mprop
[docs] def make_spring(self, name, triads, **kwargs): """ Creates axial spring elements. Parameters ---------- name : str Description of the new spring(s) triads : (str, str) or (int, int) or list of (int, int) Tags or base Ids of the connected triads. If a list of tuples is specified, one spring is created for each tuple. tag : str, default=None Tag to associate the created beam(s) with kwargs : dict Keyword arguments defining the spring properties. The following keywords are currently supported: * `tag` : Tag to associate the created spring(s) with * `constDefl`: Constant stress free deflection * `constLength`: Constant stress free length * `length`: User Id of general function defining stress free length * `init_Stiff_Coeff`: Constant spring stiffness coefficient * `fn`: Base Id of spring stiffness function * `xy`: List of XY-pairs giving a piece-wise linear spring stiffness * `extrapol_type`: String, either "NONE" (default), "FLAT" or "LINEAR" * `spring_characteristics`: String, either "SPR_TRA_STIFF" (default) or "SPR_TRA_FORCE" Returns ------- int or list of int Base Id(s) of the created spring(s), None if an error occurs """ n_ = c_int(0) x_ = None y_ = None e_ = c_int(0) use_constant_defl_ = c_bool(True) # default is constant deflection if "constDefl" in kwargs: const_length_defl_ = _convert_real(kwargs["constDefl"]) elif "constLength" in kwargs: const_length_defl_ = _convert_real(kwargs["constLength"]) use_constant_defl_ = c_bool(False) else: const_length_defl_ = c_double(0) if "fn" in kwargs: # Base Id of existing spring function sp_ = _convert_int(kwargs["fn"]) else: sp_ = c_int(0) if "xy" in kwargs: # We have data of a new spring stiffness function n_, x_, y_, e_ = _extract_polyline(kwargs) charac = [ "SPR_TRA_STIFF", # stiffness - translational deflection "SPR_TRA_FORCE", # force - translational deflection ] sp_charac = kwargs.get("spring_characteristics", charac[0]) if sp_charac in charac: # Notice negative value to indicate spring function type sp_ = c_int(-charac.index(sp_charac)) one_spring = isinstance(triads, tuple) if one_spring: triads = [triads] # Only one spring is created base_ids = [] for triad in triads: s_id = self._fmlib.FmCreateSpring( _convert_char(name), self._convert_id(triad[0], FmType.TRIAD), self._convert_id(triad[1], FmType.TRIAD), const_length_defl_, use_constant_defl_, _convert_real(kwargs.get("init_Stiff_Coeff", 0.0)), byref(sp_), n_, x_, y_, e_, _convert_int(kwargs.get("length", 0)), ) if s_id > 0: base_ids.append(s_id) if len(base_ids) < len(triads): return None # Failure creating at least one spring if "tag" in kwargs: self.fm_tag_object(base_ids, kwargs["tag"]) if one_spring: return base_ids[0] return base_ids
[docs] def make_damper(self, name, triads, **kwargs): """ Creates axial damper elements. Parameters ---------- name : str Description of the new damper(s) triads : (str, str) or (int, int) or list of (int, int) Tags or base Ids of the connected triads. If a list of tuples is specified, one damper is created for each tuple. kwargs : dict Keyword arguments defining the damper properties. The following keywords are currently supported: * `tag` : Tag to associate the created damper(s) with * `def_vel_damper`: If True, use deformational velocity * `init_Damp_Coeff`: Constant damping coefficient * `fn`: Base Id of damping coefficient function * `xy`: List of XY-pairs giving a piece-wise linear damping coefficient * `extrapol_type`: String, either "NONE" (default), "FLAT" or "LINEAR" * `damp_characteristics`: String, either "DA_TRA_COEFF" (default) or "DA_TRA_FORCE" Returns ------- int or list of int Base Id(s) of the created damper(s), None if an error occurs """ n_ = c_int(0) x_ = None y_ = None e_ = c_int(0) if "fn" in kwargs: # Base Id of existing damper function da_ = _convert_int(kwargs["fn"]) else: da_ = c_int(0) if "xy" in kwargs: # We have data of a new damping coefficient function n_, x_, y_, e_ = _extract_polyline(kwargs) charac = [ "DA_TRA_COEFF", # damping coefficient - translational velocity "DA_TRA_FORCE", # force - translational velocity ] da_charac = kwargs.get("damp_characteristics", charac[0]) if da_charac in charac: # Notice negative value to indicate damper function type da_ = c_int(-charac.index(da_charac)) one_damper = isinstance(triads, tuple) if one_damper: triads = [triads] # Only one damper is created base_ids = [] for triad in triads: d_id = self._fmlib.FmCreateDamper( _convert_char(name), self._convert_id(triad[0], FmType.TRIAD), self._convert_id(triad[1], FmType.TRIAD), _convert_bool(kwargs.get("def_vel_damper", False)), _convert_real(kwargs.get("init_Damp_Coeff", 0.0)), byref(da_), n_, x_, y_, e_, ) if d_id > 0: base_ids.append(d_id) if len(base_ids) < len(triads): return None # Failure creating at least one damper if "tag" in kwargs: self.fm_tag_object(base_ids, kwargs["tag"]) if one_damper: return base_ids[0] return base_ids
[docs] def make_joint(self, name, joint_type, follower, followed=None, tag=None): """ Creates a joint object. Parameters ---------- name : str Description of the new joint joint_type : FmType Type of joint follower : int or str Base Id or tag of the dependent joint triad followed : int or str or list of int, default=None Base Id or tag of the independent joint triad(s). If None, the joint is connected to ground and the independent triad is created at the same location as the dependent triad. For point-to-path joints, the first two triads specified are taken as the end points of the glider. tag : str, default=None Tag to associate the created joint with Returns ------- int Base Id of joint object, zero or negative on error """ id_ = self._convert_id(follower, FmType.TRIAD) if isinstance(followed, list): nids_, ids_ = _convert_int_array(followed) else: nids_ = c_int(1) ids_ = (c_int * 1)(self._convert_id(followed, FmType.TRIAD)) joint = self._fmlib.FmCreateJoint( _convert_char(name), _convert_int(joint_type), id_, ids_, nids_ ) if tag is not None and joint > 0: self.fm_tag_object(joint, tag) return joint
[docs] def make_load( self, name, load_type, triad, load_dir, magnitude=None, fn=0, tag=None ): """ Creates an external load object. Parameters ---------- name : str Description of the new load load_type : FmLoadType Type of load triad : int or str Base Id or tag of triad where the load attacks load_dir : (float, float, float) Load direction vector magnitude : str, default=None Load magnitude expression fn : int, default=0 User Id of load magnitude function tag : str, default=None Tag to associate the created load with Returns ------- int Base Id of load object, zero or negative on error """ if len(load_dir) < 3: print(" *** Invalid load direction vector", load_dir) return -1 load = self._fmlib.FmCreateLoad( _convert_char(name), _convert_int(load_type), self._convert_id(triad, FmType.TRIAD), _convert_real(load_dir[0]), _convert_real(load_dir[1]), _convert_real(load_dir[2]), _convert_char(magnitude), _convert_int(fn), ) if tag is not None and load > 0: self.fm_tag_object(load, tag) return load
[docs] def make_function(self, name, **kwargs): """ Creates a general function of time. The type of function to be created is determined by which keyword arguments are provided. The keyword determining the function type is below marked by an asterix (:sup:`*`) in each case. Parameters ---------- name : str Description of the new function kwargs : dict Keyword arguments depending on function type. The following **function types** and `keywords` are currently supported: 1. **Polyline** | `xy`:sup:`*`: List of `XY`-pairs giving a piece-wise linear curve | `extrapol_type`: String, either "NONE" (default), "FLAT" or "LINEAR" 2. **Polyline-from-file** | `filename`:sup:`*`: Name of file containing `XY`-pairs | `ch_name`: String identifying the column to use for multi-column files | `sc_factor`: Scaling factor, default=1.0 | `z_adjust`: If True, the `y`-values are shifted such that the first value is zero, default=False | `v_shift`: Additional shift of the `y`-values, default=0.0 3. **Sine** | `frequency`:sup:`*`: Angular frequency | `amplitude`: Scaling factor, default=1.0 | `delay`: Phase shift, default=0.0 | `mean_value`: Constant shift, default=0.0 | `end`: Default=0.0, if greater than zero, the function value is constant for `x` greater than `end` The Sine function therefore evaluates to:: f(x) = amplitude*sin(frequency*x-delay) + mean_value for `x`-values less than `end`, whereas ``f(x) = f(end)`` for `x` greater than `end`. 4. **Constant** | `value`:sup:`*`: The constant function value, i.e., ``f(x) = value`` for any `x` 5. **Linear** | `slope`:sup:`*`: The scaling factor, i.e., ``f(x) = slope*x`` 6. **Ramp** | `start_ramp`:sup:`*`: Start point of sloped function domain | `start_val`: Function value before `start_ramp`, default=0.0 | `slope`: The scaling factor, default=1.0 The Ramp function therefore evaluates to:: f(x) = start_val + slope*(x-start_ramp) | for `x`-values greater than `start_ramp`, whereas | ``f(x) = start_val`` for `x` less than or equal to `start_ramp`. 7. **Limited Ramp** | `start_ramp`: Start point of sloped function domain, default=0.0 | `end_ramp`:sup:`*`: End point of sloped function domain | `start_val`: Function value before `start_ramp`, default=0.0 | `slope`: The scaling factor, default=1.0 The Limited Ramp function therefore evaluates to:: f(x) = start_val + slope*(x-start_ramp) | for `x`-values in the range [`start_ramp`, `end_ramp`] | whereas ``f(x) = start_val`` for `x` less than `start_ramp`, | and ``f(x) = f(end_ramp)`` for `x` greater than `end_ramp`. 8. **Math expression** | `expression`:sup:`*`: String containing the expression to use 9. **External function** | No keywords In addition, the `tag` keyword is accepted for all function types, to associate a specified tag with the created function, and the `base_id` keyword is used to indicate if the base Id of the created function should be returned, instead of the default user Id. Returns ------- int User Id or base Id of created function object. Will be 0 or negative if an error occurs. """ name_ = _convert_char(name) tag_ = _convert_char(kwargs.get("tag", None)) bid_ = _convert_bool(kwargs.get("base_id", False)) if "xy" in kwargs: # Polyline function, get abscissa and ordinate values n_, x_, y_, e_ = _extract_polyline(kwargs) return self._fmlib.FmCreatePolyFunc(name_, tag_, n_, x_, y_, e_, bid_) if "frequency" in kwargs: # Sine function, get function parameters sine_par = (c_double * 5)() sine_par[0] = c_double(kwargs.get("frequency", 1.0)) sine_par[1] = c_double(kwargs.get("delay", 0.0)) sine_par[2] = c_double(kwargs.get("amplitude", 1.0)) sine_par[3] = c_double(kwargs.get("mean_value", 0.0)) sine_par[4] = c_double(kwargs.get("end", 0.0)) return self._fmlib.FmCreateSineFunc(name_, tag_, sine_par, bid_) if "filename" in kwargs: # Polyline-from-file function return self._fmlib.FmCreateDeviceFunc( name_, tag_, _convert_char(kwargs.get("filename", None)), _convert_char(kwargs.get("ch_name", None)), _convert_real(kwargs.get("sc_factor", 1.0)), _convert_bool(kwargs.get("z_adjust", False)), _convert_real(kwargs.get("v_shift", 0.0)), bid_, ) if "expression" in kwargs: # Math expression function return self._fmlib.FmCreateMathExprFunc( name_, tag_, _convert_char(kwargs["expression"]), bid_ ) if "slope" in kwargs or "value" in kwargs: params = (c_double * 4)(*([0.0] * 4)) if "end_ramp" in kwargs: # Limited ramp function params[0] = c_double(kwargs.get("slope", 1.0)) params[1] = c_double(kwargs.get("start_val", 0.0)) params[2] = c_double(kwargs.get("start_ramp", 0.0)) params[3] = c_double(kwargs.get("end_ramp", 5.0)) elif "start_ramp" in kwargs: # Ramp function params[0] = c_double(kwargs.get("slope", 1.0)) params[1] = c_double(kwargs.get("start_val", 0.0)) params[2] = c_double(kwargs.get("start_ramp", 0.0)) params[3] = params[2] elif "slope" in kwargs: # Linear function params[0] = c_double(kwargs.get("slope", 1.0)) else: # Constant function params[1] = c_double(kwargs.get("value", 0.0)) return self._fmlib.FmCreateLinearFunc(name_, tag_, params, bid_) # By default (if kwargs is empty), create an external function return self._fmlib.FmCreateExternalFunc(name_, tag_, bid_)
[docs] def make_sensor(self, name, obj, var, dof=None, tag=None): """ Creates a sensor object. Parameters ---------- name : str Description of the new sensor obj : int or str or (int, int) or (str, str) Base Id or tag of object(s) to measure var : FmVar The variable to measure dof : FmDof, default=None Local DOF to measure if `var` is a multi-DOF quantity tag : str, default=None Tag to associate the created sensor with Returns ------- int User Id of sensor object, zero or negative on error """ if isinstance(obj, tuple): obj1_ = self._convert_id(obj[0]) obj2_ = self._convert_id(obj[1]) else: obj1_ = self._convert_id(obj) obj2_ = c_int(0) return self._fmlib.FmCreateSensor( _convert_char(name), _convert_char(tag), _convert_int(var), _convert_int(dof), obj1_, obj2_, )
[docs] def make_fe_part(self, file, name=None, tag=None): """ Creates an FE part. Parameters ---------- file : str Absolute path to the FE data file name : str, default=None Description of the new part, use file basename if not specified tag : str, default=None Tag to associate the created part with Returns ------- int Base Id of the FE part object, zero or negative on error """ part = self._fmlib.FmLoadPart(_convert_char(file), _convert_char(name)) if tag is not None and part > 0: self.fm_tag_object(part, tag) return part
[docs] def make_strain_rosette(self, name, part_id, **kwargs): """ Creates a strain rosette on an FE part. Parameters ---------- name : str Description of the new strain rosette part_id : int or str Base Id or tag of FE part on which the rosette will be created kwargs : dict Keyword arguments defining the strain rosette properties. The following keywords are recognized: * `tag` : Tag to associate the created strain rosette with * `nodes`: List of nodes to connect the strain rosette to * `pos`: List of connection point coordinates, on the format `[(x1,y1,z1), (x2,y2,z2), (x3,y3,z3), (x4,y4,z4)]`. The last tuple is skipped if a 3-noded rosette is desired. * `direction`: Tuple `(x,y,z)` defining the local `X`-axis direction vector of the strain rosette * `angle` : Angle between strain gage direction and local X-axis * `start_at_zero` : If True, the start strains are set to zero Returns ------- int Base Id of the strain rosette, zero or negative on error """ name_ = _convert_char(name) part_ = self._convert_id(part_id, FmType.FEPART) nodes_ = (c_int * 4)() node_id = kwargs.get("nodes", None) node_pos = kwargs.get("pos", None) if isinstance(node_pos, list): # Nodal positions are provided, find the closest FE nodes nnod_ = c_int(len(node_pos)) for idx, pos in enumerate(node_pos): nodes_[idx] = self.fm_get_node(part_, pos) elif isinstance(node_id, list): # The node Id's are provided directly nnod_ = c_int(len(node_id)) nodes_[0 : len(node_id)] = node_id else: print(" *** Neither nodes nor pos is specified") return -1 dirvec_ = (c_double * 3)() direction = kwargs.get("direction", None) if isinstance(direction, tuple): dirvec_[:] = direction else: dirvec_[:] = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0] ros = self._fmlib.FmCreateStrainRosette( name_, part_, nnod_, nodes_, dirvec_, _convert_real(kwargs.get("angle", 0.0)), _convert_bool(kwargs.get("start_at_zero", True)), ) if ros > 0: # Activate strain gage recovery during solve for this part self._fmlib.FmRecoverOpts(part_, c_int(2), c_bool(True)) if "tag" in kwargs and ros > 0: self.fm_tag_object(ros, _convert_char(kwargs["tag"])) return ros
[docs] def make_udelm(self, name, triads, **kwargs): """ Creates a string of 2-noded user-defined elements. Parameters ---------- name : str Description of the new element(s) triads : list of int or list of str List of base Ids or tags of the connected triads kwargs : dict Keyword arguments defining some element properties. Currently, the following keywords are recognized: * `alpha1` : Mass-proportional damping coefficient * `alpha2` : Stiffness-proportional damping coefficient * `tag` : Tag to associate the created element with Returns ------- list of int Base Ids of the created elements, None if error """ if len(triads) < 2: print(" *** make_udelm: At least two triads must be specified") return None base_ids = [] for i in range(len(triads) - 1): base_id = self._fmlib.FmCreateUDE2( _convert_char(name), self._convert_id(triads[i], FmType.TRIAD), self._convert_id(triads[i + 1], FmType.TRIAD), ) if base_id < 1: return None base_ids.append(base_id) if "alpha1" in kwargs or "alpha2" in kwargs: self._fmlib.FmStructDamp( base_id, _convert_real(kwargs.get("alpha1", 0.0)), _convert_real(kwargs.get("alpha2", 0.0)), ) if "tag" in kwargs: self.fm_tag_object(base_ids, _convert_char(kwargs["tag"])) return base_ids
[docs] def make_assembly(self, name, objs=None): """ Creates a sub-assembly and moves the specified objects into it. Parameters ---------- name : str Description of the new sub-assembly objs : list of int or str or list of str, default=None List of base Ids or tags of the objects to put into the new sub-assembly Returns ------- int Base Id of the created sub-assembly """ obj_ids = [] if isinstance(objs, (list, tuple)): for obj in objs: id_ = self._convert_id(obj, FmType.ALL, True) if isinstance(id_, list): obj_ids.extend(id_) else: obj_ids.append(id_) elif isinstance(objs, str): obj_ids = self._convert_id(objs, FmType.ALL, True) elif isinstance(objs, (int, c_int)): obj_ids = [objs] num_obj_, obj_ids_ = _convert_int_array(obj_ids) return self._fmlib.FmCreateAssembly(_convert_char(name), num_obj_, obj_ids_)
def _move_object(self, base_id, kwargs): """ Moves an existing object identified by its base Id. """ dofs_ = _extract_dofs(kwargs) if dofs_ is None: return True # No movement specified, silently ignore return self._fmlib.FmMoveObject( _convert_int(base_id), dofs_, _convert_int(kwargs.get("tra_ref", 0)), _convert_int(kwargs.get("rot_ref", 0)), ) def _constrain_object(self, base_id, kwargs): """ Constrains DOFs in an existing object identified by its base Id. """ if kwargs is None: return True # No constraints specified, silently ignore dof_tags = ["Tx", "Ty", "Tz", "Rx", "Ry", "Rz", "All"] for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key in dof_tags: dof_ = c_int(dof_tags.index(key)) con_ = _convert_int(value, FmDofStat) print(f"Constraining {key} in object [{base_id.value}]", value) if not self._fmlib.FmConstrainObject(base_id, dof_, con_): return False return True def _dof_property(self, base_id, prt, kwargs): """ Assigns a DOF property in an existing object identified by its base Id. """ if kwargs is None: return True # No properties specified, silently ignore pr_type_ = c_int(prt) dof_tags = ["Tx", "Ty", "Tz", "Rx", "Ry", "Rz"] for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key in dof_tags: dof_ = c_int(dof_tags.index(key)) if prt in (1, 4): fcn_ = _convert_int(value, int_or_none=True) else: fcn_ = None if fcn_ is None: # A constant property value is specified val_ = _convert_real(value) fcn_ = c_int(0) else: # The user Id of a general function is specified val_ = c_double(0) print(f"{key} property {prt} in object [{base_id.value}]", value, fcn_) if not self._fmlib.FmDofProperty(base_id, dof_, pr_type_, val_, fcn_): return False return True
[docs] def edit_triad(self, obj_id, **kwargs): """ Modifies an existing triad. Parameters ---------- obj_id : int or str or list of int or list of str Base Id or tag of the triad(s) to modify kwargs : dict Keyword arguments containing the new triad attributes to assign. Currently, the following keywords are recognized: * Tx, Ty, Tz : Translation offset in global X, Y, and Z-direction * Rx, Ry, Rz : Euler angles (in degrees) for rotating the Triad * tra_ref : Base Id of object used as translation reference * rot_ref : Base Id of object used as rotation reference * mass : Additional mass (and inertia) on the Triad * mass_func : User Id or base Id (if negative) of mass scaling function * constraints : Dictionary with keywords for constraing DOFs, i.e., ``constraints={"Tx" : <value>, ..., "Rz" : <value>}``, where ``<value>`` can be any of the enum values :class:`enums.FmDofStat`. Only the DOFs that should be changed need to be specified. You can also use "All" as key which implies all DOFs in the triad. * init_vel : Dictionary with keywords specifying initial velocities, i.e., ``init_vel={"Tx" : <u01>, ..., "Rz" : <u06>}``, where ``<u0i>`` is the initial velocity to be assigned local dof `i`. * load : Dictionary with keywords specifying constant DOF loads, i.e., ``load={"Tx" : <f1>, ..., "Rz" : <f6>}``, where ``<fi>`` is the user Id of a general function defining the load in local dof `i` if the type is int, otherwise it is taken as the constant load to be assigned local dof `i`. * motion : Dictionary with keywords specifying prescribed motions, i.e., ``motion={"Tx" : <u1>, ..., "Rz" : <u6>}``, where ``<ui>`` is the user Id of a general function defining the motion in local dof `i` if the type is int, otherwise it is taken as the constant motion to be prescribed in local dof `i`. Returns ------- bool True if the input is valid, otherwise False """ # Convert tag to base Id or list of base Id base_id = self._convert_ids(obj_id, FmType.TRIAD) retval = True if isinstance(base_id, list): # Process a list of triads for bid in base_id: retval &= self.edit_triad(bid, **kwargs) return retval retval = self._move_object(base_id, kwargs) if not retval: print(" *** Failed to move triad", base_id.value) mass = kwargs.get("mass", None) if mass is not None: if isinstance(mass, tuple): n_, m_ = _convert_float_array(mass) else: n_ = c_int(1) m_ = (c_double * 1)(_convert_real(mass)) mfunc_ = _convert_int(kwargs.get("mass_function", 0)) if not self._fmlib.FmAddMass(base_id, n_, m_, mfunc_): print(" *** Failed to add mass on triad", base_id.value) retval = False if not self._constrain_object(base_id, kwargs.get("constraints", None)): print(" *** Failed to constrain triad", base_id.value) retval = False if not self._dof_property(base_id, 0, kwargs.get("init_vel", None)): print(" *** Failed to assign initial velocity to triad", base_id.value) retval = False load = kwargs.get("load", None) if load is None: load = kwargs.get("motion", None) if not self._dof_property(base_id, 1, load): print(" *** Failed to assign load/motion to triad", base_id.value) retval = False return retval
[docs] def edit_part(self, obj_id, **kwargs): """ Modifies an existing FE part. Parameters ---------- obj_id : int or str or list of int or list of str Base Id or tag of the part(s) to modify kwargs : dict Keyword arguments containing the new part attributes to assign. Currently, the following keywords are recognized: * Tx, Ty, Tz : Translation offset in global X, Y, and Z-direction * Rx, Ry, Rz : Euler angles (in degrees) for rotating the Part * tra_ref : Base Id of object used as translation reference * rot_ref : Base Id of object used as rotation reference * alpha1 : Mass-proportional damping coefficient * alpha2 : Stiffness-proportional damping coefficient * component_modes : Number of component modes * consistent_mass : If True, use consistent mass (lumped is default) * recovery : Flag for activating FE part recovery during solve (0=off, 1=stress recovery, 2=strain gage recovery, 3=both) Returns ------- bool True if the input is valid, otherwise False """ # Convert tag to base Id or list of base Id base_id = self._convert_ids(obj_id, FmType.FEPART) retval = True if isinstance(base_id, list): # Process a list of parts for bid in base_id: retval &= self.edit_part(bid, **kwargs) return retval retval = self._move_object(base_id, kwargs) if "alpha1" in kwargs or "alpha2" in kwargs: retval = retval and self._fmlib.FmStructDamp( base_id, _convert_real(kwargs.get("alpha1", 0.0)), _convert_real(kwargs.get("alpha2", 0.0)), ) if "component_modes" in kwargs or "consistent_mass" in kwargs: retval = retval and self._fmlib.FmReduceOpts( base_id, _convert_int(kwargs.get("component_modes", 0)), _convert_bool(kwargs.get("consistent_mass", False)), ) if "recovery" in kwargs: retval = retval and self._fmlib.FmRecoverOpts( base_id, _convert_int(kwargs["recovery"]), c_bool(False) ) if not retval: print(" *** Failed to edit properties on part", base_id.value) return retval
[docs] def edit_joint(self, obj_id, **kwargs): """ Modifies an existing joint. Parameters ---------- obj_id : int or str or list of int or list of str Base Id or tag of the joint(s) to modify kwargs : dict Keyword arguments containing the new joint attributes to assign. Currently, the following keywords are recognized: * Tx, Ty, Tz : Translation offset in global X, Y, and Z-direction * Rx, Ry, Rz : Euler angles (in degrees) for rotating the joint * tra_ref : Base Id of object used as translation reference * rot_ref : Base Id of object used as rotation reference * constraints : Dictionary with keywords for constraing DOFs, i.e., ``constraints={"Tx" : <value>, ..., "Rz" : <value>}``, where ``<value>`` can be any of the enum values :class:`enums.FmDofStat`. Only the DOFs that should be changed need to be specified. You can also use "All" as key which implies all DOFs in the joint. * init_vel : Dictionary with keywords specifying initial velocities, i.e., ``init_vel={"Tx" : <u01>, ..., "Rz" : <u06>}``, where ``<u0i>`` is the initial velocity to be assigned local dof `i`. * load : Dictionary with keywords specifying constant DOF loads, i.e., ``load={"Tx" : <f1>, ..., "Rz" : <f6>}``, where ``<fi>`` is the user Id of a general function defining the load in local dof `i` if the type is int, otherwise it is taken as the constant load to be assigned local dof `i`. * motion : Dictionary with keywords specifying prescribed motions, i.e., ``motion={"Tx" : <u1>, ..., "Rz" : <u6>}``, where ``<ui>`` is the user Id of a general function defining the motion in local dof `i` if the type is int, otherwise it is taken as the constant motion to be prescribed in local dof `i`. * spring : Dictionary with keywords specifying spring stiffnesses, i.e., ``spring={"Tx" : <k1>, ..., "Rz" : <k6>}``, where ``<ki>`` is the constant stiffness to be assigned local dof `i`. * damper : Dictionary with keywords specifying damping coefficients, i.e., ``load={"Tx" : <c1>, ..., "Rz" : <c6>}``, where ``<ci>`` is the constant damping to be assigned local dof `i`. * length : Dictionary with keywords specifying stress-free lengths, i.e., ``length={"Tx" : <l1>, ..., "Rz" : <l6>}``, where ``<li>`` is the user Id of a general function defining the stress-free length in local dof `i`. Returns ------- bool True if the input is valid, otherwise False """ # Convert tag to base Id or list of base Id base_id = self._convert_ids(obj_id, FmType.JOINT) retval = True if isinstance(base_id, list): # Process a list of joints for bid in base_id: retval &= self.edit_joint(bid, **kwargs) return retval retval = self._move_object(base_id, kwargs) if not retval: print(" *** Failed to move joint", base_id.value) if not self._constrain_object(base_id, kwargs.get("constraints", None)): print(" *** Failed to constrain joint", base_id.value) retval = False if not self._dof_property(base_id, 0, kwargs.get("init_vel", None)): print(" *** Failed to assign initial velocity to joint", base_id.value) retval = False load = kwargs.get("load", None) if load is None: load = kwargs.get("motion", None) if not self._dof_property(base_id, 1, load): print(" *** Failed to assign load/motion to joint", base_id.value) retval = False if not self._dof_property(base_id, 2, kwargs.get("spring", None)): print(" *** Failed to assign spring stiffness to joint", base_id.value) retval = False if not self._dof_property(base_id, 3, kwargs.get("damper", None)): print(" *** Failed to assign damping coefficient to joint", base_id.value) retval = False if not self._dof_property(base_id, 4, kwargs.get("length", None)): print(" *** Failed to assign stress-free lengths to joint", base_id.value) retval = False return retval
[docs] def edit_function(self, func_id, obj, var=None, dof=None): """ Modifies an existing function by changing its argument. Parameters ---------- func_id : int User Id (or base Id, if negative) of the function to modify obj : int or str or (int, int) or (str, str) Base Id or tag of object(s) producing the response quantity to use var : FmVar, default=None=0 Response quantity to use as function argument dof : FmDof, default=None=0 Which component of `var` to be used if a multi-DOF quantity Returns ------- bool True if the input is valid, otherwise False """ if isinstance(obj, tuple): obj1_ = self._convert_id(obj[0]) obj2_ = self._convert_id(obj[1]) else: obj1_ = self._convert_id(obj) obj2_ = c_int(0) retval = self._fmlib.FmSetFunctionArg( _convert_int(func_id), _convert_int(var), _convert_int(dof), obj1_, obj2_, ) if not retval: print(" *** Failed to change argument of Function", func_id) print(" to", obj, var, dof) return retval
[docs] def solver_setup(self, **kwargs): """ Setting up solver parameters, t_quasi, t_inc and t_end. Switching off initial equilibrium by setting t_quasi negative. Parameters ---------- kwargs : dict Keyword arguments containing the solver settings to assign. Currently, the following keywords are recognized: * t_start : Start time * t_end : Stop time * t_inc : Time step size * t_quasi : Stop time for quasi-static simulation. If equal to t_start, perform initial equilibrium analysis before starting the dynamics time integration. * n_modes : If non-zero, perform eigenvalue analysis during the simulation, and calculate this number of modes each time * e_inc: Time between each eigenvalue analysis * add_opt: Additional solver options * tol_ene: Convergence tolerance in energy norm * tol_dis: Convergence tolerance in displacement norm * tol_vel: Convergence tolerance in velocity norm * tol_res: Convergence tolerance in force residual norm """ self.fm_solver_setup( kwargs.get("t_start", 0.0), kwargs.get("t_end", 1.0), kwargs.get("t_inc", 0.01), kwargs.get("t_quasi", 0.0), kwargs.get("n_modes", 0), kwargs.get("e_inc", 0.0), kwargs.get("add_opt", None), ) if len(set(kwargs.keys()) & {"tol_ene", "tol_dis", "tol_vel", "tol_res"}) > 0: self.fm_solver_tol( kwargs.get("tol_ene", -1.0), kwargs.get("tol_dis", -1.0), kwargs.get("tol_vel", -1.0), kwargs.get("tol_res", -1.0), )