Source code for reducer

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 SAP SE
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# This file is part of FEDEM -

Python wrapper for the native Fedem FE part reducer.
Used for convenience in order to hide native type convertions.

from ctypes import c_bool, c_char_p, c_int, cdll

[docs] class FedemReducer: """ This class mirrors the functionality of the Fedem FE part reducer library ( on Linux, fedem_reducer_core.dll on Windows). Parameters ---------- lib_path : str Absolute path to the reducer shared object library solver_options : list of str, default=None List of command-line arguments passed to the reducer Methods ------- solver_init: Initializes the command-line handler of the reducer run: Invokes the reducer """ def __init__(self, lib_path, solver_options=None): """ Constructor. Optionally initialize the reducer itself if solver_options is given. """ # load the reducer library self._solver = cdll.LoadLibrary(lib_path) # set up return type for functions in the reducer library self._solver.initSolverArgs.restype = c_int self._solver.reducePart.restype = c_int # initialize the fedem reducer self.__first_part = c_bool(True) self.solver_init(solver_options) @staticmethod def _convert_c_char_array(arg): """ Converts an array of strings from Python to C type. """ if arg is None: return c_int(0), None if isinstance(arg, list): argc = len(arg) argv = (c_char_p * argc)() argv[:] = [arg[i].encode("utf-8") for i in range(argc)] return c_int(argc), argv if ( hasattr(arg, "_type_") and hasattr(arg, "_length_") and isinstance(arg, c_char_p) ): return c_int(len(arg)), arg raise TypeError(f"Expected {list} or {c_char_p}, got {type(arg)}.")
[docs] def solver_init(self, options): """ This function initializes the command-line handler of the reducer. See the Fedem R7.5 Users Guide, Appendix C.2 for a complete list of all command-line arguments that may be specified and their default values. Parameters ---------- options : list of str List of command-line arguments passed to the reducer Returns ------- int Zero on success, a negative value indicates some error condition """ if options is None: return 0 # do nothing if no solver options specified # The first option is expected to contain the path of the executable, # so insert a dummy name here if the first option starts with '-' if isinstance(options, list) and options[0][0] == "-": options.insert(0, "fedem_reducer") # arbitrary name (not used) argc_, argv_ = self._convert_c_char_array(options) return self._solver.initSolverArgs(argc_, argv_, self.__first_part)
[docs] def run(self, options=None): """ This function invokes the reducer. Parameters ---------- options : list of str, default=None List of command-line arguments passed to the reducer Returns ------- int Zero on success, a negative value indicates some error condition """ self.solver_init(options) status = self._solver.reducePart(self.__first_part, c_bool(False)) self.__first_part = c_bool(False) return status