Source code for solver

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 SAP SE
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# This file is part of FEDEM -

Python wrapper for the native fedem dynamics solver.
Used for convenience in order to hide native type convertions.

from ctypes import byref, c_bool, c_char_p, c_double, c_int, cdll

from numpy import empty, float64, int32, int64, ndarray

[docs] class FedemException(Exception): """ General exception-type for solver exceptions. Parameters ---------- errmsg : str Error message to print. """ def __init__(self, errmsg): """ Constructor. """ super().__init__({"Error": errmsg})
[docs] class FedemSolver: """ This class mirrors the functionality of the fedem dynamics solver library ( on Linux, fedem_solver_core.dll on Windows). See also the header file ../../../proprietary/vpmSolver/solverInterface.h In addition to the methods for conducting the simulation itself, the class also contains several methods for accessing and manipulating the linearized equation system, to facilitate use by external solution algorithms. Parameters ---------- lib_path : str Absolute path to the solver shared object library solver_options : list of str, default=None List of command-line arguments passed to the solver use_internal_state : bool, default=False If True, internal state arrays are allocated (for microbatching) Methods ------- solver_init: Processes the input and sets up necessary data structures restart_from_state: Re-initializes the mechanism objects with data from state array solve_window: Solves the problem for a time/load step window get_state_size: Returns the length of the state vector get_gauge_size: Returns the length of the initial strain gauge array get_transformation_state_size: Returns the length of the state vector holding transformation matrices get_part_deformation_state_size: Returns the length of the state vector holding deformation data get_part_stress_state_size: Returns the length of the state vector holding von Mises stress data save_state: Stores current solver state in the self.state_data array save_gauges: Stores initial gauge strains in the self.gauge_data array save_transformation_state: Stores current transformation state in provided core array save_part_state: Stores current deformation- and stress states in provided core arrays solve_next: Advances the solution one time/load step forward start_step: Starts a new time (or load) step solve_iteration: Solves current linearized equation system and updates state variables finish_step: Completes current time (or load) step solve_modes: Solves the eigenvalue problem at current time step solve_inverse: Solves the inverse problem at current time/load step solver_done: Closes down the model and cleans up heap memory and things on disk solver_close: Cleans up heap memory (singleton objects) on close run_all: Runs through the dynamics solver without any user intervention. set_ext_func: Assigns new value to an external function get_current_time: Returns the current physical time of the simulation get_next_time: Returns the physical time of the next step of the simulation get_function: Evaluates a general function in the model and returns its value get_functions: Evaluates several general functions in the model and returns their value get_function_ids: Returns a list of user Ids of tagged general functions get_equations: Returns the equation numbers associated with the DOFs of an object get_system_size: Returns the number of equations in the linearized system get_system_dofs: Returns the number of DOFs in the system get_newton_matrix: Returns current content of the system Newton matrix get_stiffness_matrix: Returns current content of the system stiffness matrix get_mass_matrix: Returns current content of the system mass matrix get_damping_matrix: Returns current content of the system damping matrix get_element_stiffness_matrix: Returns the content of a (beam) element stiffness matrix get_rhs_vector: Returns the content of the system right-hand-side vector get_external_force_vector: Returns the content of the external force vector set_rhs_vector: Replaces current content of the system right-hand-side vector add_rhs_vector: Updates the content of the system right-hand-side vector compute_strains_from_displ: Computes the strain tensor at gauges for given displacement field get_current_strains: Returns the current strain tensor for the specified gauges compute_rel_dist_from_displ: Computes relative distance at sensors for given displacement field compute_int_forces_from_displ: Computes beam section forces in triads for given displacement field compute_spring_var_from_displ: Computes one of the spring variables for given displacement field get_joint_spring_stiffness: Returns current joint spring stiffness coefficient(s) """ def __init__(self, lib_path, solver_options=None, use_internal_state=False): """ Constructor. Optionally initializes the solver itself if solver_options is given. """ # load the solver library self._solver = cdll.LoadLibrary(lib_path) # set up return type for functions in the solver library self._solver.solverInit.restype = c_int self._solver.restartFromState.restype = c_int self._solver.solveWindow.restype = c_bool self._solver.getStateSize.restype = c_int self._solver.getTransformationStateSize.restype = c_int self._solver.getPartDeformationStateSize.restype = c_int self._solver.getPartStressStateSize.restype = c_int self._solver.getGagesSize.restype = c_int self._solver.saveState.restype = c_bool self._solver.saveTransformationState.restype = c_bool self._solver.savePartDeformationState.restype = c_bool self._solver.savePartStressState.restype = c_bool self._solver.saveGages.restype = c_bool self._solver.solveNext.restype = c_bool self._solver.startStep.restype = c_bool self._solver.solveIteration.restype = c_bool self._solver.solveEigenModes.restype = c_bool self._solver.solveInverse.restype = c_bool self._solver.solverDone.restype = c_int self._solver.setExtFunc.restype = c_bool self._solver.getTime.restype = c_double self._solver.evalFunc.restype = c_double self._solver.getEquations.restype = c_int self._solver.getStateVar.restype = c_int self._solver.getSystemSize.restype = c_int self._solver.getSystemMatrix.restype = c_bool self._solver.getElementStiffnessMatrix.restype = c_bool self._solver.getRhsVector.restype = c_bool self._solver.setRhsVector.restype = c_bool self._solver.addRhsVector.restype = c_bool self._solver.getBeamForcesFromDisp.restype = c_bool self._solver.getStrainsFromDisp.restype = c_bool self._solver.getRelDisp.restype = c_bool self._solver.getRespVars.restype = c_bool self._solver.getJointSprCoeff.restype = c_bool # initialize error flag self.ierr = c_int(-999) # initialize the internal state arrays self.state_size = c_int(0) if use_internal_state else c_int(-1) self.gauge_size = c_int(0) self.state_data = None self.gauge_data = None # initialize the fedem solver status = self.solver_init(solver_options) if status < 0: raise FedemException( f"Initialization failure ({status}). " + "Check the fedem_solver.res file for error messages." ) def __check_error(self, func): """ Checks that the internal error flag is zero, to prevent invoking another solver method if an error condition has occurred in a previous call. """ if self.ierr.value != 0: raise FedemException( func + f"() cannot be called due to previous error ({self.ierr.value})." ) @staticmethod def _convert_c_double(arg, default_value=None): """ Converts a float from Python to C type. """ if arg is None and default_value is not None: return c_double(default_value) if type(arg) in (float, int, float64, int32, int64): return c_double(arg) if isinstance(arg, c_double): return arg raise TypeError( f"Expected {float}, {int}, {float64}, {int32} or {int64}, got {type(arg)}." ) @staticmethod def _convert_c_int(arg): """ Converts an integer from Python to C type. """ if type(arg) in (int, int32, int64): return c_int(arg) if isinstance(arg, c_int): return arg raise TypeError(f"Expected {int}, {int32} or {int64}, got {type(arg)}.") @staticmethod def _convert_c_char(arg): """ Converts a character string from Python to C type. """ if arg is None: return c_char_p(0) if isinstance(arg, str): return c_char_p(arg.encode("utf-8")) if isinstance(arg, c_char_p): return arg raise TypeError(f"Expected {str} or {c_char_p}, got {type(arg)}.") @staticmethod def _convert_c_double_array(arg, allow_none=False, ndiv=None): """ Converts an array of floats from Python to C type. """ if arg is None and allow_none: return c_int(0), None if type(arg) in (list, ndarray): argc = len(arg) argv = (c_double * argc)() argv[:] = arg if ndiv is None: return c_int(argc), argv return c_int(argc // ndiv), argv if hasattr(arg, "_length_") and getattr(arg, "_type_", None) is c_double: return c_int(len(arg)), arg raise TypeError(f"Expected {list}, {ndarray} or {c_double}, got {type(arg)}.") @staticmethod def _convert_c_int_array(arg, allow_none=False): """ Converts an array of integers from Python to C type. """ if arg is None and allow_none: return c_int(0), None if type(arg) in (list, ndarray): argc = len(arg) argv = (c_int * argc)() argv[:] = arg return c_int(argc), argv if hasattr(arg, "_length_") and getattr(arg, "_type_", None) is c_int: return c_int(len(arg)), arg raise TypeError(f"Expected {list}, {ndarray} or {c_int}, got {type(arg)}.") @staticmethod def _convert_c_char_array(arg): """ Converts an array of strings from Python to C type. """ if arg is None: return c_int(0), None if isinstance(arg, list): argc = len(arg) argv = (c_char_p * argc)() argv[:] = [aval.encode("utf-8") for aval in arg] return c_int(argc), argv if hasattr(arg, "_length_") and getattr(arg, "_type_", None) is c_char_p: return c_int(len(arg)), arg raise TypeError(f"Expected {list} or {c_char_p}, got {type(arg)}.")
[docs] def solver_init( self, options, fsi=None, state_data=None, gauge_data=None, extf_input=None ): """ This method processes the input and sets up necessary data structures prior to the time integration loop. It also performs the license checks. See the Fedem R7.5 Users Guide, Appendix C.3 for a complete list of all command-line arguments that may be specified and their default values. If the argument fsi is None, the model is assumed defined in the file specified via the command-line argument -fsifile instead. Parameters ---------- options : list of str List of command-line arguments passed to the solver fsi : str, default=None Content of the solver input file describing the model state_data : list of float, default=None Complete state vector to restart simulation from gauge_data : list of float, default=None Initial strain gauge values for restart extf_input : list of float, default=None Initial external function values, for initial equilibrium iterations Returns ------- int A negative value indicates an error, otherwise success. A positive value indicates that initial equilibrium iterations was performed with external function values from `extf_input` """ if options is None: return 0 # do nothing if no solver options specified # The first option is expected to contain the path of the executable, # so insert a dummy name here if the first option starts with '-' if isinstance(options, list) and options[0][0] == "-": options.insert(0, "fedem_solver") # arbitrary name (not used) argc_, argv_ = self._convert_c_char_array(options) cfsi_ = self._convert_c_char(fsi) ndat_, sdat_ = self._convert_c_double_array(state_data, True) ngda_, gdat_ = self._convert_c_double_array(gauge_data, True) nxin_, xinp_ = self._convert_c_double_array(extf_input, True) status = self._solver.solverInit( argc_, argv_, cfsi_, sdat_, ndat_, gdat_, ngda_, xinp_, byref(nxin_) ) if status < 0: self.ierr = c_int(status) return status # initialization failure self.ierr = c_int(0) if self.state_size.value < 0: return nxin_.value # not using internal state arrays (no restart) # Initialize state array sizes self.state_size = c_int(self.get_state_size()) self.gauge_size = c_int(self.get_gauge_size()) # Initialize the state arrays if self.state_data is None: self.state_data = (c_double * self.state_size.value)() elif len(self.state_data) != self.state_size.value: raise FedemException(f"Invalid valid array size {len(self.state_data)}") if self.gauge_size.value > 0: if self.gauge_data is None: self.gauge_data = (c_double * self.gauge_size.value)() elif len(self.gauge_data) != self.gauge_size.value: raise FedemException(f"Invalid valid array size {len(self.gauge_data)}") return nxin_.value
[docs] def restart_from_state(self, state_data, write_to_rdb=2): """ This method re-initializes the mechanism objects with data from the provided state array, such that the simulation can continue from there. Parameters ---------- state_data : list of float Complete state vector to restart simulation from write_to_rdb : int, default=2 | Flag for saving response variables to results database, | = 0 : No results saving, | = 1 : Append results to already opened results database, | = 2 : Increment the results database and write to new files Returns ------- int Zero on success, a negative value indicates some error """ self.__check_error("restart_from_state") ndat_, sdat_ = self._convert_c_double_array(state_data) if write_to_rdb in (0, 1, 2): write_to_rdb_ = c_int(write_to_rdb) else: raise TypeError(f"Expected integer value in (0, 1, 2), got {write_to_rdb}.") return self._solver.restartFromState(sdat_, ndat_, write_to_rdb_)
[docs] def solve_window(self, n_step, inputs=None, f_out=None, xtimes=None): """ This method solves the problem for a time/load step window, with given values for the external functions, and extraction of results from another set of general functions in the model. A non-zero value on self.ierr on exit indicates that an error condition that will require the simulation to terminate has occurred. Parameters ---------- n_step : int Number of time/load steps to solve for from current state inputs : list of float, default=None List of input sensor values for each time step. The length of this list must be equal to `n_step` times the number of input sensors. f_out : list of int, default=None List of user Ids identifying the output sensors in the model xtimes : list of float, default=None List of times associated with the inputs. The length of this list must be equal to `n_step`. Returns ------- list of float Output sensor values for each time step bool Always True, unless the end of the simulation has been reached """ self.__check_error("solve_window") n_inc_, xtimes_ = self._convert_c_double_array(xtimes, True) n_inp_, inputs_ = self._convert_c_double_array(inputs, True, n_step) n_out_, f_out_ = self._convert_c_int_array(f_out, True) outputs_ = (c_double * (n_step * len(f_out)))() if f_out else None not_done = self._solver.solveWindow( self._convert_c_int(n_step), n_inc_, n_inp_, n_out_, f_out_, xtimes_, inputs_, outputs_, self.state_size, self.state_data, byref(self.ierr), ) if self.ierr.value != 0: success = False elif self.gauge_size.value > 0: success = self._solver.saveGages(self.gauge_data, self.gauge_size) else: success = True if f_out is None: outputs = None else: outputs = [0.0] * (len(f_out) * n_step) outputs[:] = outputs_ return outputs, not_done and success
[docs] def get_state_size(self): """ Utility returning the required length of the state vector which is used when restarting a simulation from an in-core array. """ return self._solver.getStateSize()
[docs] def get_gauge_size(self): """ Utility returning the required size of the initial strain gauge array which is used when restarting a simulation from an in-core array. Returns 0 if the model does not contain any strain gauges. """ return self._solver.getGagesSize()
[docs] def get_transformation_state_size(self): """ Utility returning the required length of the vector which stores the transformation matrices (rotation and translation) for Triads, Parts and Beams. | The size/length of the state vector is: | 3 + | (number of Triads) * 14 + | (number of Parts) * 14 | (number of Beams) * 14 """ return self._solver.getTransformationStateSize()
[docs] def get_part_deformation_state_size(self, base_id): """ Utility returning the required length of the state vector which stores deformation data for the FE Part with the given base Id. Returns -1 if the specified Part does not exist. | The size/length of the state vector is: | (number of nodal points in the FE Part) * 3 """ bid_ = self._convert_c_int(base_id) return self._solver.getPartDeformationStateSize(bid_)
[docs] def get_part_stress_state_size(self, base_id): """ Utility returning the required length of the state vector which stores von Mises stresses for the FE Part with the given base Id. Returns -1 if the specified Part does not exist, and 0 if the specified Part does not contain any (shell or solid) elements with stresses. """ bid_ = self._convert_c_int(base_id) return self._solver.getPartStressStateSize(bid_)
[docs] def save_state(self): """ This method stores current solver state in the self.state_data array. Returns ------- bool Always True, unless the self.state_data array is too small """ return self._solver.saveState(self.state_data, self.state_size)
[docs] def save_gauges(self): """ This method stores initial gauge strains in the self.gauge_data array. Returns ------- bool Always True, unless the self.gauge_data array is too small """ return self._solver.saveGages(self.gauge_data, self.gauge_size)
[docs] def save_transformation_state(self, state_data): """ This method stores current transformation state for Triads, Parts and Beams in the provided core array. The transformation state data is on the format: | [step number] | [current time] | [current time increment] | for each non-fixed Triad: | 1 | [rotMatrix column 1] | [rotMatrix column 2] | [rotMatrix column 3] | [translation vector] | for each Part and Beam: | 2 | [rotMatrix column 1] | [rotMatrix column 2] | [rotMatrix column 3] | [translation vector] Parameters ---------- state_data : list of c_double Array to fill with transformation data Returns ------- bool Always True, unless the state_data array is too small """ ndat = c_int(len(state_data)) return self._solver.saveTransformationState(state_data, ndat)
[docs] def save_part_state(self, base_id, def_state, str_state): """ This method stores current deformation- and stress states for the specified FE Part in the provided core arrays. Parameters ---------- base_id : int Base Id of the FE Part to save state for def_state : list of c_double Array to fill with deformation data str_state : list of c_couble Array to fill with stress data Returns ------- bool Always True, unless one or both of the state arrays are too small """ bid_ = self._convert_c_int(base_id) ndef = c_int(len(def_state)) if not self._solver.savePartDeformationState(bid_, def_state, ndef): return False nstr = c_int(len(str_state)) return self._solver.savePartStressState(bid_, str_state, nstr)
[docs] def solve_next(self, inp=None, inp_def=None, out_def=None, time_next=None): """ This method advances the solution one time/load step forward. The self.ierr variable has the value zero on a successful computation. A non-zero value indicates some error that requires the simulation to terminate. Parameters ---------- inp : list of float, default=None Input function values inp_def : list of int, default=None External function Ids of the functions to assign values out_def : list of int, default=None User Ids of the functions to evaluate the response for time_next : float, default=None Time of next step, to override time step size defined in the model Returns ------- list of float, only if out_def is specified Evaluated response variables bool Always True, unless current time/load step failed to converge, or the end time of the simulation has been reached """ self.__check_error("solve_next") if time_next is None: success = True else: success = self._solver.setTime(self._convert_c_double(time_next)) if inp is not None: for i, val in enumerate(inp): if val is not None: if inp_def is None: self.set_ext_func(i + 1, val) elif i < len(inp_def): self.set_ext_func(inp_def[i], val) success &= self._solver.solveNext(byref(self.ierr)) if out_def is None: return success return self.get_functions(out_def), success
[docs] def start_step(self, time_next=None): """ This method starts a new time (or load) step, by calculating the predicted response, the coefficient matrix and right-hand-side vector of the first nonlinear iteration. It has to be followed up by a series of solve_iteration calls in order to continue the simulation, but the linear equation system can be manipulated in between. The self.ierr variable has the value zero on a successful computation. A non-zero value indicates some error that requires the simulation to terminate. Parameters ---------- time_next : float, default=None Time of next step, to override time step size defined in the model Returns ------- bool Always True, unless the simulation has to stop due to some error, or the end time of the simulation has been reached """ self.__check_error("start_step") if time_next is None: success = True else: success = self._solver.setTime(self._convert_c_double(time_next)) return self._solver.startStep(byref(self.ierr)) if success else False
[docs] def solve_iteration(self): """ This method solves the current linearized equation system and updates all state variables. Then it assembles the linearized system of equations for next iteration, unless convergence has been reached. The self.ierr variable has the value zero on a successful computation. A non-zero value indicates some error that requires the simulation to terminate. Returns ------- bool Always True, unless the simulation has to stop due to some error, or the current time/load step has converged. """ self.__check_error("solve_iteration") return self._solver.solveIteration(byref(self.ierr), c_bool(False))
[docs] def finish_step(self): """ This method completes current time (or load) step, by iterating the linearized equation system until convergence is achieved. The self.ierr variable has the value zero on a successful computation. A non-zero value indicates some error that requires the simulation to terminate. Returns ------- bool Always True, unless current time/load step failed to converge, or the end time of the simulation has been reached """ self.__check_error("finish_step") return self._solver.solveIteration(byref(self.ierr), c_bool(True))
[docs] def solve_modes(self, n_modes, dof_order=False, use_lapack=0): """ This method solves the eigenvalue problem at current time step, and returns the computed eigenvalues and associated eigenvectors. If an error condition that requires the simulation to terminate occurs, the self.ierr variable is assigned a negative value. Parameters ---------- n_modes : int Number of eigenmodes to calculate dof_order : bool, default=False If True, the eigenvectors are returned in DOF-order instead of equation order which is the default use_lapack : int, default=0 Flag usage of LAPACK eigensolvers (0=No, 1=DSYGVX, 2=DGGEVX) Returns ------- list of float The computed eigenvalues list of list of float The computed eigenvectors bool Always True, unless the computation failed """ self.__check_error("solve_modes") dim = self.get_system_dofs() if dof_order else self.get_system_size() n_mod_ = self._convert_c_int(n_modes) e_val_ = (c_double * n_modes)() e_vec_ = (c_double * (dim * n_modes))() doford = c_bool(dof_order) lapack = c_int(use_lapack) success = self._solver.solveEigenModes( n_mod_, e_val_, e_vec_, doford, lapack, byref(self.ierr) ) if self.ierr.value < 0: return None, None, success if self.ierr.value > 0: self.ierr = c_int(0) return None, None, success e_val = [0.0] * n_modes e_val[:] = e_val_ e_vec = [e_vec_[dim * i : dim * (i + 1)] for i in range(n_modes)] return e_val, e_vec, success
[docs] def solve_inverse(self, x_val, x_def, g_def, out_def=None): """ This method solves the inverse problem at current time/load step, assuming small deformations only (linear response). If an error condition that requires the simulation to terminate occurs, the self.ierr variable is assigned a non-zero value. Parameters ---------- x_val : list of float Specified displacement values at a set of degrees of freedom x_def : list of int Equation numbers for the specified displacement values g_def : list of int Equation numbers for the DOFs with unknown external forces out_def : list of int, default=None User Ids of the functions to evaluate the response for Returns ------- list of float, only if out_def is specified Evaluated response variables bool Always True, unless the simulation has to stop due to some error, or the end of the simulation has been reached """ self.__check_error("solve_inverse") nval_, xval_ = self._convert_c_double_array(x_val) ndis_, xeqs_ = self._convert_c_int_array(x_def) nfrs_, feqs_ = self._convert_c_int_array(g_def) if nval_.value < ndis_.value: raise FedemException(f"Array x_val is too small ({nval_.value}).") success = self._solver.solveInverse( xval_, xeqs_, feqs_, ndis_, nfrs_, byref(self.ierr) ) if out_def is None: return success return self.get_functions(out_def), success
[docs] def solver_done(self, remove_singletons=None): """ This method should be used when the time/load step loop is finished. It closes down the model and cleans up heap memory and things on disk. Parameters ---------- remove_singletons : bool default=None If True or None, heap-allocated singelton objects are also released Returns ------- int Zero on success, non-zero values indicates errors. """ if remove_singletons is None: _rsflag = c_bool(True) elif isinstance(remove_singletons, bool): _rsflag = c_bool(remove_singletons) elif isinstance(remove_singletons, c_bool): _rsflag = remove_singletons else: _rsflag = c_bool(True) return self._solver.solverDone(_rsflag)
[docs] def solver_close(self): """ This method needs to be used if solver_done() was invoked with its `remove_singletons` argument set to False. It will delete those singleton objects here instead. """ self._solver.solverClose()
[docs] def run_all(self, options): """ This method runs the dynamics solver with given command-line `options`, without any user intervention. """ status = self.solver_init(options) if status < 0: print(f" *** Solver initialization failure ({status}).", flush=True) print(" Check the fedem_solver.res file for error messages.") return status while self.solve_next(): pass # Dummy statement if self.solver_done() == 0 and self.ierr.value == 0: print(" Time step loop OK") else: print(" *** Dynamics solver failed", self.ierr.value, flush=True) return self.ierr.value
[docs] def set_ext_func(self, func_id, value=None): """ This method may be used prior to the solve_next call, to assign a sensor value from a physical twin to the specified actuator or load in the model, identified by the argument func_id (external function Id). Parameters ---------- func_id : int Id of the external function to be assigned new value value : float, default=None The value to be assigned Returns ------- bool Always True, unless the specified function is not found """ func_id_ = self._convert_c_int(func_id) f_value_ = self._convert_c_double(value, 0) return self._solver.setExtFunc(func_id_, f_value_)
[docs] def get_current_time(self): """ Utility returning the current physical time of the simulation. The self.ierr variable is not touched. """ return self._solver.getTime(c_bool(False), byref(self.ierr))
[docs] def get_next_time(self): """ Utility returning the physical time of the next step of the simulation. If the time step size is defined by a general function that could not be evaluated, the self.ierr variable is decremented. Otherwise, it is not touched. """ return self._solver.getTime(c_bool(True), byref(self.ierr))
[docs] def check_times(self, xtimes, use_times=True): """ Utility checking that a given time series starts with the current solver time. """ if not use_times or type(xtimes) not in (list, ndarray): return None mismatch = xtimes[0] - self.get_next_time() if abs(mismatch) > 0.001: print(f" ** Warning: Mismatch ({mismatch}) between the first input time") print(f" and expected time of the first step ({self.get_next_time()}).") print(" This may cause problems and/or incorrect simulation results.") return xtimes
[docs] def get_function(self, uid=0, tag=None, arg=None): """ Utility evaluating a general function in the model, identified by the specified user Id `uid` or `tag`, and with the function argument `arg`. If `arg` is `None` or contains a negative value, the function is instead evaluated for current state of the sensor object that is defined as the function argument. The same is done if a `tag` is specified. If the specified function could not be evaluated, the self.ierr variable is decremented. Otherwise, it is not touched. """ uid_ = self._convert_c_int(uid) tag_ = self._convert_c_char(tag) arg_ = self._convert_c_double(arg, -1) return self._solver.evalFunc(uid_, tag_, arg_, byref(self.ierr))
[docs] def get_functions(self, uids): """ Utility evaluating a list of general functions for current state. The `uids` argument can be a list of either the user Ids of the functions to be evaluated, or their corresponding objects tags. If the specified functions could not be evaluated, the self.ierr variable is decremented for each problem encountered. Otherwise, it is not touched. """ out = [0.0] * len(uids) for i, uid in enumerate(uids): if isinstance(uid, str): out[i] = self.get_function(tag=uid) else: out[i] = self.get_function(uid) return out
[docs] def get_function_ids(self, tags): """ Utility returning a list of user Ids of tagged general functions. """ if tags is None: return None if isinstance(tags, str): return self._solver.getFuncId(self._convert_c_char(tags)) if not isinstance(tags, list): return None uids = [0] * len(tags) for i, tag in enumerate(tags): if isinstance(tag, str): uids[i] = self._solver.getFuncId(self._convert_c_char(tag)) else: uids[i] = self._convert_c_int(tag) return uids
[docs] def get_equations(self, bid): """ Utility returning the equation numbers for the DOFs of the object with the specified base Id (bid). """ bid_ = self._convert_c_int(bid) eqns = (c_int * 6)() num_eqn = self._solver.getEquations(bid_, eqns) meqn = [0] * num_eqn meqn[:] = eqns return meqn
[docs] def get_system_size(self): """ Utility returning the dimension (number of equations) of the system. """ return self._solver.getSystemSize(c_bool(False))
[docs] def get_system_dofs(self): """ Utiloty returning the total number of DOFs of the system. """ return self._solver.getSystemSize(c_bool(True))
def __get_system_matrix(self, i_mat): """ Utility returning a system matrix. """ dim = self.get_system_size() matrix = (c_double * (dim * dim))() success = self._solver.getSystemMatrix(matrix, c_int(i_mat)) n_mat = empty([dim, dim]) for i in range(dim): for j in range(dim): n_mat[i, j] = matrix[i + j * dim] return n_mat, success
[docs] def get_newton_matrix(self): """ Utility returning current content of the system Newton matrix. """ return self.__get_system_matrix(0)
[docs] def get_stiffness_matrix(self): """ Utility returning current content of the system stiffness matrix. """ return self.__get_system_matrix(1)
[docs] def get_mass_matrix(self): """ Utility returning current content of the system mass matrix. """ return self.__get_system_matrix(2)
[docs] def get_damping_matrix(self): """ Utility returning current content of the system damping matrix. """ return self.__get_system_matrix(3)
[docs] def get_element_stiffness_matrix(self, bid): """ Utility returning the initial content of an element stiffness matrix. Use this method for beam elements only, 6 dof per node (total 12). """ dim = 12 matrix = (c_double * (dim * dim))() bid_ = self._convert_c_int(bid) success = self._solver.getElementStiffnessMatrix(matrix, bid_) es_mat = empty([dim, dim]) for i in range(dim): for j in range(dim): es_mat[i, j] = matrix[i + j * dim] return es_mat, success
def __get_rhs_vector(self, i_vec): """ Utility returning a system right-hand-side vector. """ dim = self.get_system_size() vec = (c_double * dim)() success = self._solver.getRhsVector(vec, c_int(i_vec)) r_vec = empty(dim) for i in range(dim): r_vec[i] = vec[i] return r_vec, success
[docs] def get_rhs_vector(self): """ Utility returning current content of the system right-hand-side vector. """ return self.__get_rhs_vector(0)
[docs] def get_external_force_vector(self): """ Utility returning current content of the external force vector. """ return self.__get_rhs_vector(5)
[docs] def set_rhs_vector(self, r_vec): """ Utility replacing current content of the system right-hand-side vector. """ return self._solver.setRhsVector(self._convert_c_double_array(r_vec)[1])
[docs] def add_rhs_vector(self, r_vec): """ Utility updating the content of the system right-hand-side vector. """ return self._solver.addRhsVector(self._convert_c_double_array(r_vec)[1])
[docs] def compute_strains_from_displ(self, disp, gauge_ids): """ This method computes the strain tensor at gauges for the given displacement field, or from current state if no displacements provided. Parameters ---------- disp : list of float Displacement field to evaluate strains from gauge_ids : list of int Array with gauge identification numbers Returns ------- list of float Strain components bool Always True, unless the calculation failed """ n_dof_, disp_ = self._convert_c_double_array(disp, True) ngauge = len(gauge_ids) // 2 ngauge_ = c_int(ngauge) gauge_ids_ = (c_int * ngauge)() for i in range(ngauge): gauge_ids_[i] = self._convert_c_int(gauge_ids[2 * i]) eps_ = (c_double * (3 * ngauge))() success = self._solver.getStrainsFromDisp( disp_, gauge_ids_, eps_, n_dof_, ngauge_ ) eps = [] for i in range(ngauge): tc_idx = gauge_ids[2 * i + 1] if tc_idx in (0, 1, 2): # Tensorial component index eps.append(eps_[3 * i + tc_idx]) else: # Return all three tensor components eps.extend(eps_[3 * i : 3 * i + 3]) return eps, success
[docs] def get_current_strains(self, gauge_ids): """ This method computes the strain tensor at gauges from current state. Parameters ---------- gauge_ids : list of int Array with gauge identification numbers Returns ------- list of float Strain components bool Always True, unless the calculation failed """ return self.compute_strains_from_displ(None, gauge_ids)
[docs] def compute_rel_dist_from_displ(self, disp, ids): """ This method computes the relative distance at sensors for the given displacement field. Parameters ---------- disp : list of float Displacement field ids : list of int Array with function identification numbers Returns ------- list of float Displacement components bool Always True, unless the calculation failed """ n_dof_, disp_ = self._convert_c_double_array(disp) n_ids_, ids_ = self._convert_c_int_array(ids) n_ids = len(ids) rel_dis_ = (c_double * n_ids)() success = self._solver.getRelDisp(disp_, ids_, rel_dis_, n_dof_, n_ids_) rel_dis = [0.0] * n_ids rel_dis[:] = rel_dis_ return rel_dis, success
[docs] def compute_spring_var_from_displ(self, disp, ids): """ This method computes one of the spring variables (length, deflection, force) at sensors for the given displacement field. Parameters ---------- disp : list of float Displacement field ids : list of int Array with function identification numbers Returns ------- list of float Displacement components bool Always True, unless the calculation failed """ n_dof_, disp_ = self._convert_c_double_array(disp) n_ids_, ids_ = self._convert_c_int_array(ids) n_ids = len(ids) spr_var_ = (c_double * n_ids)() success = self._solver.getRespVars(disp_, ids_, spr_var_, n_dof_, n_ids_) spr_var = [0.0] * n_ids spr_var[:] = spr_var_ return spr_var, success
[docs] def compute_int_forces_from_displ(self, disp, ids): """ This method computes beam section forces in triads for the given displacement field. There are 2 cases: | InternalForce component defined by an array | dofi contains dof number in a certain direction i | ids = [ beamID1, triadID1, dof1, beamID2, triadID2, dof2, ..... ] | InternalSectionForces defined by an array | dofi contains always -1, 6 components are requested | ids = [ beamID1, triadID1, -1, beamID2, triadID2, -1, ..... ] Parameters ---------- disp : list of float Displacement field ids : list of int Array with beam and triad identification numbers Returns ------- list of float Force components bool Always True, unless the calculation failed """ n_dof_, disp_ = self._convert_c_double_array(disp) n_ids_, ids_ = self._convert_c_int_array(ids) n_items = n_ids_.value // 3 n_items_ = c_int(n_items) forces_ = (c_double * (6 * n_items))() success = self._solver.getBeamForcesFromDisp( disp_, ids_, forces_, n_dof_, n_items_ ) iforce = 0 forces = [] for i in range(2, len(ids), 3): if ids[i] < 0: # all 6 force components are requested forces.extend(forces_[iforce : iforce + 6]) else: # Force component for local dof ids[i] is requested forces.append(forces_[iforce + ids[i]]) iforce += 6 return forces, success
[docs] def get_joint_spring_stiffness(self, bid): """ Get joint spring stiffness coefficient(s). Parameters ---------- bid : int Joint identification number (base ID) Returns ------- list of float Spring stiffness coefficients for the joint DOFs bool Always True, unless the extraction failed """ max_dof = 6 # max no. of joint dofs stiffc_ = (c_double * max_dof)() success = self._solver.getJointSprCoeff(stiffc_, self._convert_c_int(bid)) stiffness = [0.0] * max_dof stiffness[:] = stiffc_ return stiffness, success