exporter module
Python wrapper for the native VTFX exporter.
- class exporter.Exporter(fe_parts, vis_parts, lib_path, vtfx_path=None)[source]
This class provides functionality for exporting fedem animations to Ceetron CUG format.
- Parameters:
- fe_partsdict
Dictionary of finite element parts to include in visualization
- vis_partsdict
Dictionary of visualization/vrml parts to include in visualization
- lib_pathstr
Absolute path to the shared object library vtfxExporter.so
- vtfx_pathstr, default=None
Absolute path to vtfx-file, use a temporary file if None
Executes a step of visualization export with the provided input data
Converts temporary generated vtfx-file to CUG database and cleans up
- clean(time_step, lib_dir, out_dir=None, cug_path='/usr/bin/CugComposer')[source]
Clears all data about included FE-parts and frs-files, and removes all transformation, stress and deformation results. Closes the vtfx-file and converts it to a CUG database.
- Parameters:
- time_stepdouble
Time step to use for animation speed
- lib_dirstr
Absolute path to app location
- out_dirstr, default=None
Absolute path for output folder of the CUG database If None, CUG data is not generated and the vtfx-file is retained
- cug_pathstr, default=”/usr/bin/CugComposer”
Absolute path to Ceetron CUG composer executable
- do_step(time, transformation_in, deformation_in, stress_in)[source]
Execute a step of visualization export with the provided input data.
- Parameters:
- timefloat
Simulation time
- transformation_inlist of c_double
Array of transformation data from the fedem solver
- deformation_indict
Arrays of part deformation data from the fedem solver
- stress_indict
Arrays of part stress data from the fedem solver