Creating/editing Fedem models
This section gives a brief introduction on how you can use the fedempy
package to generate new Fedem models through python scripting.
It relies on the modeler
The modeling methods are collected in the class FedemModeler
so to access them, start your python script by:
from fedempy.modeler import FedemModeler
from fedempy.enums import FmDof, FmDofStat, FmLoadType, FmType, FmVar
You also need to set the environment variable FEDEM_MDB to point to the shared object library of the Fedem mechanism model database, before executing the script. This library is named on Linux (FedemDB.dll on Windows).
Opening a new/existing model
To establish a Fedem model object, use:
myModel = FedemModeler("mymodel.fmm")
If the file “mymodel.fmm” exists, this will open that model, and any subsequent modeling operations will alter or append objects to that model. If you want to force opening a new empty model, specify True as the second parameter, viz.:
myModel = FedemModeler("mymodel.fmm", True)
The specified model file will then be overwritten if it already exists when saving the model.
Saving and closing current model
To save the current model, use:
if not
raise Exception({"Error": "Failed to save current model"})
To give it a new name (Save As):
if not"newname.fmm"):
raise Exception({"Error": "Failed to save to newname.fmm"})
When finished, the model should be closed to release all internal memory:
Creating objects
The FedemModeler
class has several methods for creating mechanism objects
of different type. They all have a signature like
make_<object_type> ("description", [attributes])
and return an integer
which is (with two exceptions, see below) the base Id of the generated object.
This value can be used as a handle to that object in other modeling operations.
If the object could not be created or an error occurred,
either zero or a negative value is returned.
Your modeling script should therefore always check that the returned value is
positive before continuing.
See the modeler.FedemModeler
for a full overview of the available methods.
In the following, some example statements for creating objects are presented.
FE parts
A FE model stored in one of the supported FE data file formats can be imported as an FE part into the current Fedem model, by using:
p1 = myModel.make_fe_part(fe_data_file)
print("Created a FE Part with base Id", p1)
where fe_data_file is the full path of the FE data file to be imported. No other attributes of the part can be specified with this method. See Editing parts below, for how to change it’s properties.
To create a triad object at the global location (1.0, 2.0, 3.5), use:
t1 = myModel.make_triad("My first triad", (1, 2, 3.5))
print("Created a Triad with base Id", t1)
If the triad should be attached to a part, the base Id of that part may be specified using the optional on_part argument, as follows:
t2 = myModel.make_triad("My second triad", (1, 2, 3.5), on_part=part_id)
print("Created a Triad with base Id", t2, "on Part", part_id)
This assumes that the coordinates provided match a nodal point in the FE model of the part specified. If the triad should be attached to ground, the base Id of the Reference plane is specified instead, which usually equals 2, e.g.:
t3 = myModel.make_triad("My third triad", (1, 2, 3.5), on_part=2)
print("Created a grounded Triad with base Id", t3)
Finally, if the nodal point of the triad to be created is known, you may specify that instead of the coordinates, viz.:
t4 = myModel.make_triad("My fourth triad", node=node_id, on_part=part_id)
print("Created a Triad with base Id", t4, "on Part", part_id)
where node_id is the Id of a nodal point in the FE model of the part part_id.
See Editing triads below, for how to further modify the properties of created triads.
Beam elements
To create a string of three beam elements connected to the four triads, t1, t2, t3 and t4, you can use:
beams = myModel.make_beam("My beams", [t1, t2, t3, t4], prop_id)
print("Created beam elements with base Ids", beams)
This method returns a list of base Id values for the created beam elements (or None if an error occured). The last parameter in the above call is the base Id of a cross section property, which is created by:
mat_id = myModel.make_beam_material("Steel", (7850, 2.1e11, 0.3))
prop_id = myModel.make_beam_section("Pipe", mat_id, (0.5, 0.45))
prop_id = myModel.make_beam_section("General", 0, section_data)
The first variant above creates a pipe cross section with outer diameter 0.5
and inner diameter 0.45, and connected to a material object with mass density
7850.0, Young’s modulus 2.1e11 and Poisson’s ratio 0.3.
The second variant creates a generic cross section, where section_data
is a list of up to 10 cross section property values:
section_data = [EA, EIy, EIz, GIt, rhoL, RhoIp, GAy, GAsz, sy, sz]
If you specify less than 10 values, the remaining values will be assumed equal to zero.
To attach a triad to ground using a rigid joint, use:
joint1 = myModel.make_joint("Fixed", FmType.RIGID_JOINT, t1)
To connect two triads via a revolute joint:
joint2 = myModel.make_joint("Hinge", FmType.REVOLUTE_JOINT, t2, t3)
The first triad specified (t2) will then be the dependent joint triad
and the second triad (t3) will be the independent triad. You can also specify
as joint type.
To connect triads via a cylindric joint, use:
joint3 = myModel.make_joint ("Cylindric", FmType.CYLINDRIC_JOINT, t0, [t1, t2, ..., tn])
After the dependent triad (t0), a list of independent triads (t1, t2, …, tn) is specified. The first two list items (t1 and t2) are taken as the start and end position of the joint, and the subsequent triads (t3, …), will by the in-between triads. The latter must lie on a straight line through the start and end triads, otherwise they won’t be taken into account.
To create a prismatic joint, use the enum value FmType.PRISMATIC_JOINT
See Editing joints below, for how to further modify the properties of created joints.
Springs and Dampers
To create an axial spring with a piece-wise linear stiffness function, the following will work:
spr1 = myModel.make_spring("My first spring", (t1, t2),
xy=[[-0.1, 10.0], [0.0, 0.1], [0.1, 10.0]],
spr2 = myModel.make_spring("My second spring", (t3, t4), init_Stiff_Coeff=1000.0)
The first example above creates an axial spring connected to triad (base Id) t1 and t2, with a constant stiffness equal to 10.0 outside the interval [-0.1,0.1], and a V-shaped stiffness function in between with minimum value 0.1 at zero spring deflection. The second example creates a spring with a constant stiffness.
It is also possible to create several axial springs in one go by specifying a list of (int, int) tuples, and referring an already existing spring stiffness function using the fn keyword argument, as follows:
spr = myModel.make_spring("My springs", [(t1, t2), (t3, t4), (t5, t6)], fn=spr_func)
where spr_func is the base Id of an existing spring stiffness function.
To create axial dampers, there exists a method make_damper with a similar set of arguments as the make_spring method. That is, you can create one or several dampers with a piece-wise linear, or constant, damping coefficient, e.g.:
dmp = myModel.make_damper("My damper", (t3, t4), init_Damp_Coeff=100.0)
which creates an axial damper between the triads t3 and t4 with a constant damping coefficient of 100.0.
Refer to the documentation of modeler.FedemModeler.make_spring()
and modeler.FedemModeler.make_damper()
for an overview of all the keyword
arguments that may be used for these two methods.
External loads
To create an external load on a triad, acting in the positive global Z-direction, with a time-dependent magnitude, you can use:
ldir = (0, 0, 1) # Positive Z-direction
load = myModel.make_load("Sine", FmLoadType.FORCE, t3, ldir, "1E6*sin(5*x)")
print("Created an external load with base Id", load)
where you also can use FmLoadType.TORQUE
as second parameter if a torque
load is wanted instead.
The last argument is a string with a math expression giving the load magnitude
as function of time (here represented by the variable “x”), in this case
a sinusoidal function with amplitude 1000000.0 and angular frequencey 5.0.
Alternatively, you may specify a general function as the load magnitude:
load = myModel.make_load("My load", FmLoadType.FORCE, t3, ldir, fn=funcId)
where funcId is the user Id of an existing general function, see General functions below.
To create a sensor measuring the Z-displacement at a triad, use the following:
s1 = myModel.make_sensor("Displacement", t3, FmVar.POS, FmDof.TX)
print("Created sensor", s1)
where the third parameter can be any of FmVar.POS
, whereas the fourth parameter
can be FmDof.TX
, FmDof.TY
, FmDof.TZ
, FmDof.RX
, FmDof.RY
or FmDof.RZ
To create a relative sensor between two triads, you can use:
s1 = myModel.make_sensor("Relative displacement", (t3, t2), FmVar.POS, FmDof.TX)
print("Created relative sensor", s2)
where the third parameter can be either FmVar.POS
, FmVar.VEL
, or
Note: This method returns the user Id of the created sensor - not its base Id.
General functions
To create a general function of time, any of the following can be used:
# Polyline
f1 = myModel.make_function("My func 1", xy=[[0,0], [1,1], [2,3], [3,0.5]], extrapol_type="FLAT")
# Polyline from file
f2 = myModel.make_function("My func 2", filename="data.asc", ch_name="Force")
# Sine
f3 = myModel.make_function("My func 3", frequency=1.23, amplitude=2.5)
# Math expression
f4 = myModel.make_function("My func 4", expression="1.2+3.0*x^2")
# Constant function
f5 = myModel.make_function("My func 5", value=3.5)
# Linear function
f6 = myModel.make_function("My func 6", slope=8.13)
# Ramp function
f7 = myModel.make_function("My func 7", start_val=0.3, start_ramp=1.46, slope=8.13)
# Limited Ramp function
f8 = myModel.make_function("My func 8", start_val=0.3, start_ramp=1.46, end_ramp=3.48, slope=8.13)
# External function (no arguments)
f9 = myModel.make_function("My func 9")
What type of function to create is determined by the presence of keywords in the function argument list, as follows:
xy : Polyline
filename : Polyline from file
frequency : Sine
expression : Math expression
value : Constant
slope : Linear
start_ramp : Ramp
end_ramp : Limited Ramp
If no keywords (except the function name) are specified,
an external function (whose value is assigned directly through the method
) will be created. The other
function types may take other arguments in addition to those shown above,
refer to the method documentation modeler.FedemModeler.make_function()
for a full overview.
Note: This method returns the user Id of the created function - not its base Id.
See Editing functions below, for how to further modify the properties of created functions.
Strain rosettes
To create a strain rosette on an FE part, you can either specify the 3-4 node numbers to connect the strain rosette element to, or the coordinates of 3 or 4 spatial points if the node numbers are not known. It will then search for and use the closest node for each point:
# Using FE node numbers
r1 = myModel.make_strain_rosette("Gage A", part_id,
nodes=[121, 122, 123],
direction=(0, 1, 0))
# Using spatial point coordinates
r2 = myModel.make_strain_rosette("Gage B", part_id,
pos=[(-1.702537, -0.5171, 1.702752),
(-1.649538, -0.5171, 1.658139),
(-1.630592, -0.5171, 1.73142)],
direction=(0, 1, 0))
print("Created strain rosettes", [r1, r2], "on FE part", part_id)
You may also specify other keywords, see modeler.FedemModeler.make_strain_rosette()
for the full documentation of this method.
User-defined elements
User-defined elements can be included in a Fedem model, if you specify the path to
the plugin shared object library containing your element implementation
when creating the FedemModeler
object, e.g.:
myModel = FedemModeler("mymodel.fmm", True, "/usr/local/lib/")
Please refer to the Fedem User’s Guide for details on how the create a plugin library for user-defined elements. With this, you can create a string of three 2-noded elements connected to the four triads, t1, t2, t3 and t4, using:
elms = myModel.make_udelm("My elements", [t1, t2, t3, t4], alpha1=0.03, alpha2=0.05)
print("Created user-defined elements with base Ids", elms)
Currently, only two-noded elements are supported in fedempy
The path to the plugin library will be stored in the created Fedem model file.
Therefore, there is no need to specify it when Solving Fedem models
through a FmmSolver
Modifying existing objects
The FedemModeler
class also has some methods for modifying existing objects
in the current model. They all have a signature like
edit_<object_type> (base_id, **kwarg)
and return the bool value True on
success, otherwise False. The **kwarg argument represents a varying list of
keyword=value pairs with the properties to assign to the object.
Editing triads
To change the position of a triad with base Id tid, use the following:
if not myModel.edit_triad(tid, Tx=1.0, Ty=0.2, Tz=3.4, Rx=30, Ry=10, Rz=5):
print(" *** Failed to move Triad", tid)
The values specified are considered as offsets to the current position. Thus, you can leave out those coordinate directions which should not change. The rotational values (Rx, Ry, Rz) are Euler-ZYX angles (in degrees). That is, first the Rz rotation is applied, then Ry and finally Rx. If you need to rotate in a different order, that can be achieved by multiple edit_triad calls.
To adjust the DOF status of a triad, use something like:
if not myModel.edit_triad(tid, constraints={
"Tx" : FmDofStat.FIXED,
"Ty" : FmDofStat.PRESCRIBED,
"Tz" : FmDofStat.FREE_DYN,
"Rx" : FmDofStat.FIXED,
print(" *** Failed to constrain Triad", tid)
In this example, the triad is fixed in X-translation and X-axis rotation, prescribed in Y-translation, and fixed during initial equilibrium only in Z-translation. The last two DOFs (Ry and Rz) remain free.
If you need to constrain all DOFs in a triad, you can alternatively use the keyword “All” to shorten the statement, viz.:
if not myModel.edit_triad(tid, constraints={"All" : FmDofStat.FIXED}):
print(" *** Failed to constrain Triad", tid)
This will then be equivalent to attaching the triad to ground.
To assign a constant load and/or prescribed motion to a triad, you can do:
if not myModel.edit_triad(tid, load={"Tz" : 1000.0, "Ry" : 123.4},
motion={"Ty" : 0.01}):
print(" *** Failed to assign load/motion to Triad", tid)
This will assign constant loads in the 3rd and 5th local DOF, and a prescribed motion in the 2nd local DOF of the triad.
To assign a non-constant load or motion, just specify the user Id of the general function defining the load magnitude instead of the constant value. For instance, the following will assign a sinusoidal load in the Tx-DOF:
lid = myModel.make_function("My load", frequency=12.5, amplitude=1000.0)
if not myModel.edit_triad(tid, load={"Tx" : lid}):
print(" *** Failed to assign load to Triad", tid)
The convention is that an integer value in the load and motion dictionary argument is assumed to be the user Id of an existing general function, whereas a real value is taken as the constant load/motion magnitude to be assigned.
Editing joints
For joints, you can edit the same properties as shown for triads above,
except that the DOF status now can also be set to FmDofStat.SPRING
. The latter is the same as the former, except that
the DOF is kept fixed during initial equilibrium and (optionally) during
eigenvalue analysis. For joint DOFs with either of these status codes,
you can then assign constant spring and damper properties as well as
stress-free length change function, as follows:
if not myModel.edit_joint(jid, spring={"Tx" : 1000.0, "Ry" : 1234.5},
damper={"Tx" : 100.0, "Ry" : 222.2},
length={"Tx" : len_id}):
print(" *** Failed to assign spring/damper properties to joint", jid)
where jid is the base Id of the joint to modify and len_id is the user Id of an existing general function defining the stress-free length change of the Tx-DOF of the joint.
Editing parts
To change the position of a part with base Id pid, use the following:
if not myModel.edit_part(pid, Tx=1.0, Ty=0.2, Tz=3.4, Rx=30, Ry=10, Rz=5):
print(" *** Failed to move Part", pid)
The interpretation of the keywords Tx,Ty,…,Rz is here similar as for triads, as explained above in Editing triads.
In addition, the structural damping and some reduction options can be changed using the edit_part method, viz.:
if not myModel.edit_part(pid, alpha1=0.001, alpha2=0.03,
component_modes=20, consistent_mass=True):
print(" *** Failed to change properties for Part", pid)
Editing functions
The method make_function described above in General functions will make a general function of time, by default. To change the argument to other response variables, you can use the following:
if not myModel.edit_function(fid, t1, FmVar.POS, FmDof.TX):
print(" *** Failed to change argument of Function", fid)
Except for the first argument, which here is the user Id of the general function to modify, this method takes the same set of arguments as the make_sensor method discussed in Sensors above.
A sample python script using modeler
to generate a simple model is provided
Another script that generates and solves the model which is used in the
Car Suspension regression test is
available here.
No-code modeling
This section gives a brief introduction on how you can use fedempy
to create/edit Fedem models without the need of writing any python code yourself.
Instead, the model definition is encoded in a YAML-formatted input file.
This input file is parsed and converted into an equivalent Fedem model file (.fmm),
through the use of the yaml_parser
YAML input file syntax
TODO: Descripe the file format here, listing the available keywords, etc.
Creating/editing a Fedem model with YAML input
When you have finished the YAML input file, e.g., “myModel.yaml”, execute the following command to process it:
python -m fedempy.yaml_parser --input-file myModel.yaml --solve
The option –solve will execute the dynamics solver on the generated model.
Sample YAML input file
See here for a sample YAML input file, which will create the classical Loader model.