FEDEM Solver
Source code of the dynamics solver
This is the complete list of members for FFa3DLocation, including all inherited members.
CART_X_Y_Z enum value | FFa3DLocation | |
changePosRefCS(const FaMat34 &newRef, const FaMat34 &oldRef) | FFa3DLocation | |
changePosType(PosType newType) | FFa3DLocation | |
changeRotRefCS(const FaMat34 &newRef, const FaMat34 &oldRef) | FFa3DLocation | |
changeRotType(RotType newType) | FFa3DLocation | |
CYL_R_XR_Z enum value | FFa3DLocation | |
CYL_R_YR_X enum value | FFa3DLocation | |
CYL_R_ZR_Y enum value | FFa3DLocation | |
DIR_EX_EXY enum value | FFa3DLocation | |
direction() const | FFa3DLocation | |
EUL_Z_Y_X enum value | FFa3DLocation | |
FFa3DLocation(bool saveNumericalData=true) | FFa3DLocation | |
FFa3DLocation(PosType t, const FaVec3 &v0, RotType r, const FaVec3 &v1, const FaVec3 &v2) | FFa3DLocation | |
FFa3DLocation(PosType t, const FaVec3 &v0, RotType r, const FaVec3 &v1) | FFa3DLocation | |
FFa3DLocation(const FFa3DLocation &m) | FFa3DLocation | inline |
FFa3DLocation(const FaMat34 &m) | FFa3DLocation | |
FFaEnumMapping(PosType) | FFa3DLocation | inlineprivate |
FFaEnumMapping(RotType) | FFa3DLocation | inlineprivate |
getMatrix() const | FFa3DLocation | |
getMatrix(const FaMat34 &posRelMx, const FaMat34 &rotRelMx) const | FFa3DLocation | |
getNumFields() const | FFa3DLocation | |
getPosType() const | FFa3DLocation | inline |
getRotType() const | FFa3DLocation | inline |
isCoincident(const FFa3DLocation &m, double tolerance=1.0e-7) const | FFa3DLocation | |
isValid() const | FFa3DLocation | |
myL | FFa3DLocation | private |
myPosTyp | FFa3DLocation | private |
myRotTyp | FFa3DLocation | private |
operator!=(const FFa3DLocation &m) const | FFa3DLocation | inline |
operator<<(std::ostream &s, const FFa3DLocation &m) | FFa3DLocation | friend |
operator=(const FFa3DLocation &m) | FFa3DLocation | |
operator=(const FaMat34 &m) | FFa3DLocation | |
operator==(const FFa3DLocation &m) const | FFa3DLocation | inline |
operator>>(std::istream &s, FFa3DLocation &m) | FFa3DLocation | friend |
operator[](int i) const | FFa3DLocation | inline |
operator[](int i) | FFa3DLocation | inline |
PNT_PX_PXY enum value | FFa3DLocation | |
PNT_PZ_PXZ enum value | FFa3DLocation | |
PosType enum name | FFa3DLocation | |
RotType enum name | FFa3DLocation | |
saveMyNumericalData | FFa3DLocation | private |
set(PosType p, const FaMat34 &posRelMx, RotType r, const FaMat34 &rotRelMx, const FaMat34 &glbPos) | FFa3DLocation | |
set(PosType p, RotType r, const FaMat34 &glbPos) | FFa3DLocation | |
setIdentity() | FFa3DLocation | inline |
setPos(PosType p, const FaVec3 &cartPos) | FFa3DLocation | |
setRot(RotType r, const FaMat33 &rotMat) | FFa3DLocation | |
setSaveNumericalData(bool doSave) | FFa3DLocation | inline |
SPH_R_XR_YZ enum value | FFa3DLocation | |
SPH_R_YR_ZX enum value | FFa3DLocation | |
SPH_R_ZR_XY enum value | FFa3DLocation | |
translation() const | FFa3DLocation |