FEDEM Solver  R8.0
Source code of the dynamics solver
FFpFourier Member List

This is the complete list of members for FFpFourier, including all inherited members.

factorize(int n, int &nFact, int *fact)FFpFourierprivatestatic
FFT(const std::vector< double > &xRe, const std::vector< double > &xIm, std::vector< double > &yRe, std::vector< double > &yIm)FFpFourierstatic
fft_4(double *aRe, double *aIm)FFpFourierprivatestatic
fft_5(double *aRe, double *aIm)FFpFourierprivatestatic
fft_odd(int radix)FFpFourierprivatestatic
initTrig(int radix)FFpFourierprivatestatic
permute(int nFact, int *fact, int *remain, const std::vector< double > &xRe, const std::vector< double > &xIm, std::vector< double > &yRe, std::vector< double > &yIm)FFpFourierprivatestatic
transTableSetup(int *sofar, int *actual, int *remain, int &nFact, int nPoints)FFpFourierprivatestatic
twiddleTransf(int sofarRadix, int radix, int remainRadix, std::vector< double > &yRe, std::vector< double > &yIm)FFpFourierprivatestatic