FEDEM Solver  R8.0
Source code of the dynamics solver
FiRAOTable Member List

This is the complete list of members for FiRAOTable, including all inherited members.

applyRAO(const std::string &RAOfile, int direction, const FiWave &wave, std::vector< FiWave > &motion)FiRAOTablestatic
applyRAO(const std::string &RAOfile, int direction, int nRw, int nComp, const double *waveData, std::vector< FiWave > &motion)FiRAOTablestatic
applyRAO(const std::string &RAOfile, int direction, int nRw, int nComp, const double *waveData, double **motionData)FiRAOTablestatic
applyToWave(FiWave &wave, RAOdof d) constFiRAOTableprivate
extractMotion(const std::vector< FiWave > &motion, int dof, double *motionData)FiRAOTablestatic
getDirections(const std::string &RAOfile, std::vector< int > &angles)FiRAOTablestatic
getValue(double freq, RAOdof idof) constFiRAOTableprivate
getValues(std::vector< double > &x, std::vector< RAOcomp > &y, RAOdof idof) constFiRAOTable
operator<<(std::ostream &os, const FiRAOTable &rao)FiRAOTablefriend
operator>>(std::istream &is, FiRAOTable &rao)FiRAOTablefriend
readDirection(std::istream &is, int angle=0)FiRAOTable
size() constFiRAOTableinline