FEDEM Solver  R8.0
Source code of the dynamics solver
Data Types | Modules | Functions/Subroutines | Variables
contactElementTypeModule.f90 File Reference

Contact element object data container. More...

Data Types

type  contactelementtypemodule::contactelementtype
 Data type representing a contact element object. More...
interface  contactelementtypemodule::getptrtoid
 Returns pointer to object with specified ID. More...
interface  contactelementtypemodule::writeobject
 Standard routine for writing an object to file. More...
interface  contactelementtypemodule::updateatconvergence
 Updates contact element quantities at convergence. More...


module  contactelementtypemodule
 Module with data types representing contact element objects.


type(contactelementtype) function, pointer contactelementtypemodule::getptrtoidcontactelm (array, id, index)
 Returns pointer to (first) contact element with specified ID. More...
subroutine contactelementtypemodule::writecontactelementtype (contElem, io, complexity)
 Standard routine for writing an object to io. More...
pure subroutine contactelementtypemodule::nullifycontactelement (contElem)
 Initializes a contact element type object. More...
elemental subroutine contactelementtypemodule::deallocatecontactelement (contElem)
 Deallocates a contact element object. More...
subroutine contactelementtypemodule::deallocatecontactelements (contElms)
 Deallocates an array of contact element objects. More...
subroutine contactelementtypemodule::updatedistanceincontact (contElem)
 Updates contact element quantities at convergence. More...


logical, save contactelementtypemodule::ignoreeccf = .false.
 Ignore eccentricity Force terms. More...
logical, save contactelementtypemodule::ignoreeccn = .false.
 Ignore eccentricity Newton terms. More...

Detailed Description

Contact element object data container.