FEDEM Solver  R8.0
Source code of the dynamics solver
Modules | Functions/Subroutines
normRoutinesModule.f90 File Reference

Subroutines and functions for solution norm calculation. More...


module  normroutinesmodule
 Module with subroutines and functions for solution norm calculation.


subroutine normroutinesmodule::calctolerance (item, sam, u, w)
 Defines the convergence tolerance to use for a given test item. More...
real(dp) function normroutinesmodule::scalednorm (sam, vec, wFac, iPow, doExpand, ierr)
 Calculates the scaled norm of the given vector. More...
subroutine normroutinesmodule::infinitenorms (sam, vec, findWorst, infTra, infRot, infGen, worstDOFs, doExpand, ierr)
 Calculates infinity norms of the given vector. More...
subroutine normroutinesmodule::energynorms (sam, disp, force, findWorst, E_absSum, E_absMax, worstDOFs, worstVals, ierr)
 Calculates energy norms for given force and displacement vectors. More...
real(dp) function, dimension(:), pointer, private normroutinesmodule::expandvector (sam, vec, doExpand, forceCopy, ierr)
 Returns a pointer to the expanded solution vector. More...

Detailed Description

Subroutines and functions for solution norm calculation.