FEDEM Solver  R8.0
Source code of the dynamics solver
Data Types | Modules | Functions/Subroutines | Variables
pyplot_module.f90 File Reference

Interface for plots in python (x-y plots) More...

Data Types

type  pyplot_module::pyplot
 Main python plot class. More...


module  pyplot_module
 Interface for plots in python (x-y plots).


subroutine pyplot_module::destroy (me)
 Destroys an instance of pyplot. More...
subroutine pyplot_module::add_str (me, str)
 Add a string to the string buffer. More...
subroutine pyplot_module::initialize (me, grid, xlabel, ylabel, zlabel, title, legend, use_numpy, figsize, font_size, axes_labelsize, xtick_labelsize, ytick_labelsize, ztick_labelsize, legend_fontsize, mplot3d, axis_equal, polar, real_fmt, use_oo_api, axisbelow, tight_layout, istat)
 Initializes curve plots. More...
subroutine pyplot_module::add_plot (me, x, y, label, linestyle, markersize, linewidth, xlim, ylim, xscale, yscale, color, istat)
 Add an x,y plot. More...
subroutine pyplot_module::add_hist (me, x, label, xlim, ylim, xscale, yscale, bins, normed, cumulative, istat)
 Add an histogram plot. More...
subroutine pyplot_module::add_contour (me, x, y, z, label, linestyle, linewidth, levels, color, filled, cmap, colorbar, istat)
 Add a contour plot. More...
subroutine pyplot_module::add_3d_plot (me, x, y, z, label, linestyle, markersize, linewidth, istat)
 Add a 3D x, y, z plot. More...
subroutine pyplot_module::add_sphere (me, r, xc, yc, zc, n_facets, linewidth, antialiased, color, istat)
 Add a sphere to a 3D x,y,z plot. More...
subroutine pyplot_module::add_bar (me, x, height, label, width, bottom, color, yerr, align, xlim, ylim, xscale, yscale, istat)
 Add a bar plot. More...
subroutine pyplot_module::add_imshow (me, x, xlim, ylim, exValues, istat)
 Add an image plot using imshow More...
subroutine pyplot_module::optional_int_to_string (int_value, string_value, default_value)
 Integer to string, specifying the default value if the optional argument is not present. More...
subroutine pyplot_module::optional_logical_to_string (logical_value, string_value, default_value)
 Logical to string, specifying the default value if the optional argument is not present. More...
subroutine pyplot_module::integer_to_string (i, s)
 Integer to string conversion. More...
subroutine pyplot_module::real_to_string (v, fmt, str)
 Integer to string conversion. More...
subroutine pyplot_module::vec_to_string (v, fmt, str, use_numpy, is_tuple)
 Real vector to string. More...
subroutine pyplot_module::matrix_to_string (v, fmt, str, use_numpy)
 Real matrix (rank 2) to string. More...
subroutine pyplot_module::execute (me, pyfile, istat)
 Write the buffer to a specified file, then execute it with Python. More...
subroutine pyplot_module::finish_ops (me)
 Some final things to add before saving or showing the figure. More...
subroutine pyplot_module::savefig (me, figfile, pyfile, dpi, transparent, facecolor, edgecolor, orientation, istat)
 Save the figure. More...
subroutine pyplot_module::showfig (me, pyfile, istat)
 Show the figure. More...


integer, parameter pyplot_module::max_int_len = 10
 max string length for integers More...
integer, parameter pyplot_module::max_real_len = 30
 max string length for reals More...

Detailed Description

Interface for plots in python (x-y plots)

All subroutines and functions of this file are related to the frequency domain analysis.

Guenter Glanzer, SAP SE
Feb 2019