FEDEM Solver  R8.0
Source code of the dynamics solver
Data Types | Modules | Functions/Subroutines | Variables
allocationModule.f90 File Reference

Subroutines for dynamic allocation of integer and real arrays. More...

Data Types

interface  allocationmodule::reallocate
 Allocates, reallocates or deallocates a generic array. More...
interface  allocationmodule::logallocmem
 Prints the accumulated memory usage to log file. More...


module  allocationmodule
 Module with subroutines for dynamic allocation of arrays.


subroutine allocationmodule::reallocateint (label, array, nw, ierr, preserveContent)
 Allocate, reallocate or deallocate a one-dimensional integer array. More...
subroutine allocationmodule::reallocateint8 (label, array, nw, ierr, preserveContent)
 Allocate, reallocate or deallocate a one-dimensional integer array. More...
subroutine allocationmodule::reallocatefloat1d (label, array, nw, ierr)
 Allocate, reallocate or deallocate a one-dimensional real array. More...
subroutine allocationmodule::reallocatefloat2d (label, array, n1, n2, ierr)
 Allocate, reallocate or deallocate a two-dimensional real array. More...
subroutine allocationmodule::reallocatedouble1d (label, array, nw, ierr, preserveContent)
 Allocate, reallocate or deallocate a one-dimensional real array. More...
subroutine allocationmodule::reallocatebigdouble1d (label, array, nw, ierr)
 Allocate, reallocate or deallocate a big one-dimensional real array. More...
subroutine allocationmodule::reallocatedouble2d (label, array, n1, n2, ierr)
 Allocate, reallocate or deallocate a two-dimensional real array. More...
subroutine allocationmodule::logallocmemi8 (label, oldSize, newSize, nBytes)
 Prints the current accumulated memory usage to the log file. More...
subroutine allocationmodule::logallocmemi4 (label, oldSize, newSize, nBytes)
 Prints the current accumulated memory usage to the log file. More...
subroutine, public allocationmodule::closememlogfile ()
 Closes the memory logging file. More...
subroutine, public allocationmodule::writepeakmem (lpu)
 Writes the peak memory usage to file unit lpu. More...
subroutine, public allocationmodule::writestorage (name, nwI, nwR, lpu)
 Writes storage requirement information for an item to unit lpu. More...
character(len=12) function, public allocationmodule::strbytes (nBytes)
 Converts a number of bytes to a user-friendly string. More...


logical, save, public allocationmodule::dologmem = .false.
 Toggle for print of memory usage. More...
integer, save allocationmodule::logfile = 0
 File unit number for memory logging. More...
integer(i8), save allocationmodule::totmem = 0_i8
 Total number of bytes allocatedy. More...
integer(i8), save allocationmodule::peakmem = 0_i8
 Maximum number of bytes allocated. More...

Detailed Description

Subroutines for dynamic allocation of integer and real arrays.