FEDEM Solver  R8.0
Source code of the dynamics solver
vpmUtilities Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for vpmUtilities:


file  allocationModule.f90
 Subroutines for dynamic allocation of integer and real arrays.
file  binaryDB.c
 Global functions binary file IO.
file  binaryDBInterface.f90
 Fortran interface for the C functions for doing binary IO.
file  clksec.c
 System-dependent global functions for time measurement.
file  closeLogFiles.f90
 Global subroutine (callable from C++) used by signal handlers, etc.
file  computerConfig.C
 Global functions for extracting information on the running computer.
file  computerConfigInterface.f90
 Fortran interface for functions for extracting computer configuration.
file  denseMatrixModule.f90
 Subroutines for solution of dense linear equation systems.
file  diskMatrixModule.f90
file  fileUtilitiesModule.f90
 Subroutines for file handling.
file  inputUtilities.f90
 Utilities for parsing of solver input files.
file  kindModule.f90
 Global kind- and variable-size parameters.
file  manipMatrixModule.f90
 Utilities for manipulation of integer and real matrices.
file  progressModule.f90
 Subroutines for reporting progress info during computations.
file  reportErrorModule.f90
 Subroutines for error message handling.
file  rotationModule.f90
 Utilities for manipulation of finite rotations.
file  scratchArrayModule.f90
 Utilities for dynamic allocation of scratch arrays.
file  sDiskMatrixModule.f90
file  searchAndSortModule.f90
 Utilities for searching and sorting of arrays.
file  sparseMatrixModule.f90
file  timerModule.f90
 Subroutines for time measurement of computations.
file  wrimsg.f90
 Global subroutine (callable from C++) to output an error message.