FEDEM Solver  R8.0
Source code of the dynamics solver
FFaOS Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for FFaOS:


file  FFaDynamicLibraryBase.C
 Management of dynamic loading of shared object libraries.
file  FFaDynamicLibraryBase.H [code]
 Management of dynamic loading of shared object libraries.
file  FFaExport.H [code]
 Macros to aid export of symbols in shared object libraries.
file  FFaFilePath.C
 Utilities for file path handling.
file  FFaFilePath.H [code]
 Utilities for file path handling.
file  FFaFilePathInterface.f90
 Fortran interface for FFaFilePath methods.
file  FFaFortran.H [code]
 Macros to aid cross-language linkage between C/C++ and Fortran.
file  FFaIO.c
 Functions for direct access of large binary files using low-level IO.
file  FFaIO.H [code]
 Functions and data type for direct access of large binary files.
file  FFaMatherrHandler.C
 Re-implementation of matherr handling on Windows.
file  FFaTag.C
 Utilities for reading and writing of file tags.
file  FFaTag.H [code]
 Utilities for reading and writing of file tags.
file  FFaTag_C.h [code]
 C-version of the file-tag read/write functions.