FEDEM Solver  R8.0
Source code of the dynamics solver
Modules | Functions/Subroutines | Variables
displacementModule.f90 File Reference

Recovery of displacements at internal nodes. More...


module  reckindmodule
 Module with real kind parameter to use in the recovery calculations.
module  displacementmodule
 Module with subroutines for recovery of internal displacements.


subroutine displacementmodule::readresponsepointers (triads, sup, pointers, ierr)
 Retrieves result database file pointers for system response data. More...
subroutine displacementmodule::readdisplpointer (sup, disPtr, ierr)
 Retrieves result database pointer for superelement displacements. More...
subroutine displacementmodule::readsupelposition (sup, supPtr, iprint, lpu, ierr)
 Reads position matrix for a superelement from the results database. More...
subroutine displacementmodule::readsupeldisplacements (triads, sup, pointers, iprint, lpu, ierr)
 Reads external nodal displacements for the specified superelement. More...
subroutine displacementmodule::readstaticdisplacements (fileName, gvec, vii, lpu, ierr)
 Calculates the internal displacements due to gravitation forces. More...
subroutine displacementmodule::allocatebandematrices (nPart, ierr)
 Allocates the B- and E-matrix file objects. More...
subroutine displacementmodule::openbandematrices (ndof1, ndof2, ngen, nColSwap, ierr, Bmatfile, Ematfile, indx)
 Opens the B- and E-matrix files associated with a superelement. More...
subroutine displacementmodule::closebandematrices (ierr)
 Closes the B- and E-matrix files and deallocates related arrays. More...
subroutine displacementmodule::closebandematrix (indx, ierr)
 Closes the B- and E-matrix files for one particular superelement. More...
subroutine displacementmodule::readintdisplacements (disPtr, supId, sam, sv, iprint, lpu, ierr)
 Reads the internal displacements for a superelement from file. More...
subroutine displacementmodule::calcintdisplacements (sam, sv, finit, vg, iprint, lpu, ierr, indx, vii, g)
 Extracts the internal displacements for a superelement. More...
subroutine displacementmodule::calctotaldisplacements (sup, madof, minex, sv, svTotal, ierr)
 Calculates the total displacements at the nodal points. More...
subroutine displacementmodule::eldispfromsupeldisp (sam, mnpcPtr, Hel_Ptr, ierr, indx)
 Calculates superelement-to-element displacement extraction matrices. More...
subroutine, private displacementmodule::disexpand (sam, sveq, svdof)
 Expands and rearranges a displacement vector. More...
subroutine displacementmodule::dis1expand (sam, sveq, svdof, ierr)
 Expands and rearranges a displacement vector. More...
subroutine displacementmodule::getgroupbmat (sam, MNPC, MGMAP, Bsub, bInd, iprint, lpu, ierr)
 Extracts a sub-matrix from the B-matrix associated with node groups. More...
integer function getinternaldofpos (idof)
 Convenience function with error handling for row-index extraction. More...
subroutine displacementmodule::calcgroupdisplacements (vd, vt, sam, sup, Bmat, nodes, iprint, lpu, ierr)
 Extracts the internal displacements for a group of nodes. More...
subroutine displacementmodule::extractexternaldisp (sv, svTotal, sam, sup, nodes, iprint, lpu, ierr)
 Extracts local and total displacements for external group nodes. More...
subroutine, private displacementmodule::calctotalnodaldisplacement (sup, inod, minex, uLoc, uTot, ierr)
 Calculates the total displacement at a nodal point. More...


integer, parameter, public reckindmodule::rk = sp
 Real kind (precision) to use for all recovery calculations. More...
type(diskmatrixtype), dimension(:), allocatable, save, private displacementmodule::bmatdisk
 Displacement recovery matrices associated with external nodal DOFs. More...
type(diskmatrixtype), dimension(:), allocatable, save, private displacementmodule::ematdisk
 Displacement recovery matrices associated with generalized modes. More...

Detailed Description

Recovery of displacements at internal nodes.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ getinternaldofpos()

integer function getgroupbmat::getinternaldofpos ( integer, intent(in)  idof)

Convenience function with error handling for row-index extraction.