FEDEM Solver  R8.0
Source code of the dynamics solver
Modules | Functions/Subroutines
inputUtilities.f90 File Reference

Utilities for parsing of solver input files. More...


module  inpututilities
 Module with functions and subroutines for parsing solver input files.


subroutine inpututilities::iucopytoscratch (itmp, chname, ierr)
 Copies a solver input file to a temporary scratch file. More...
subroutine inpututilities::iuwritetoscratch (itmp, chmodel, ierr)
 Writes an input file to a temporary scratch file. More...
character(len=len(string)) function, private inpututilities::iutoupper (string)
 Converts the text string to all uppercase. More...
integer function inpututilities::iugetnumberofentries (file, string, ierr)
 Counts number of entries of a text string in a solver input file. More...
logical function inpututilities::iusetposatfirstentry (file, string, ierr)
 Sets position at the first entry of a text string in a file. More...
logical function inpututilities::iusetposatnextentry (file, string, ierr)
 Sets position at the next entry of a text string in a file. More...
integer function inpututilities::iuchartoint (string, stringArray, ierr, startIndex)
 Searches for a text string in an array of strings. More...

Detailed Description

Utilities for parsing of solver input files.