FEDEM Solver  R8.0
Source code of the dynamics solver
Functions/Subroutines | Variables
diffractionmodule Module Reference


character(len=18) function bodyname (id)
subroutine, public nemohinit (sups, ierr)
subroutine, public nemohclose
subroutine, public nemohmesh (prefix, sId, bodyIdx, supTr, Xc, rho, g, nfobj, ierr)
subroutine, public nemohanalysis (prefix, env, waveData, beta, M, omega, Kext, Cext, RAO, ipsw, ierr)
subroutine, public getexcitationforce (ibody, t, Fex, ierr)


integer, save ndof
integer, dimension(:), allocatable np
integer, dimension(:), allocatable nf
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable cog
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable wave
character(len=32), dimension(:), allocatable cbody
real(sp), dimension(:,:,:), pointer a => null()
real(sp), dimension(:,:,:), pointer b => null()
complex(sp), dimension(:,:), pointer fe => null()

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ bodyname()

character(len=18) function diffractionmodule::bodyname ( type(idtype), intent(in)  id)

◆ getexcitationforce()

subroutine, public diffractionmodule::getexcitationforce ( integer, intent(in)  ibody,
real(dp), intent(in)  t,
real(dp), dimension(6), intent(out)  Fex,
integer, intent(out)  ierr 

◆ nemohanalysis()

subroutine, public diffractionmodule::nemohanalysis ( character(len=*), intent(in)  prefix,
type(environmenttype), intent(in)  env,
real(dp), dimension(:,:), intent(in), optional  waveData,
real(sp), dimension(:), intent(in), optional  beta,
real(sp), dimension(:,:), intent(in), optional  M,
real(sp), dimension(:), intent(inout), optional  omega,
real(sp), dimension(:), intent(in), optional  Kext,
real(sp), dimension(:), intent(in), optional  Cext,
complex(sp), dimension(:,:,:), intent(out), optional  RAO,
integer, intent(in), optional  ipsw,
integer, intent(out)  ierr 

◆ nemohclose()

subroutine, public diffractionmodule::nemohclose

◆ nemohinit()

subroutine, public diffractionmodule::nemohinit ( type(supeltype), dimension(:), intent(in)  sups,
integer, intent(out)  ierr 

◆ nemohmesh()

subroutine, public diffractionmodule::nemohmesh ( character(len=*), intent(in)  prefix,
type(idtype), intent(in)  sId,
integer, intent(in)  bodyIdx,
real(dp), dimension(3,4), intent(in)  supTr,
real(dp), dimension(3), intent(in)  Xc,
real(sp), intent(in), optional  rho,
real(sp), intent(in), optional  g,
integer, intent(in)  nfobj,
integer, intent(out)  ierr 

Variable Documentation

◆ a

real(sp), dimension(:,:,:), pointer diffractionmodule::a => null()

◆ b

real(sp), dimension(:,:,:), pointer diffractionmodule::b => null()

◆ cbody

character(len=32), dimension(:), allocatable diffractionmodule::cbody

◆ cog

real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable diffractionmodule::cog

◆ fe

complex(sp), dimension(:,:), pointer diffractionmodule::fe => null()

◆ ndof

integer, save diffractionmodule::ndof

◆ nf

integer, dimension(:), allocatable diffractionmodule::nf

◆ np

integer, dimension(:), allocatable diffractionmodule::np

◆ wave

real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable diffractionmodule::wave