FEDEM Solver  R8.0
Source code of the dynamics solver
Modules | Functions/Subroutines | Variables
prescribedMotionModule.f90 File Reference

Prescribed motions from file. More...


module  prescribedmotionmodule
 Module with support for prescribed motions from file.


subroutine prescribedmotionmodule::openmotionfile (fileName, pdNodes, ncmp, ierr)
 Opens the binary file with prescribed nodal displacements. More...
subroutine prescribedmotionmodule::readmotionfile (ierr, lpu)
 Reads prescribed displacements for next time step from binary file. More...


integer, save prescribedmotionmodule::pdisfile = -11111
 File handle for prescribed motion file. More...
real(dp), save prescribedmotionmodule::nexttime = 0.0_dp
 Time for next update from file. More...
real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable, save prescribedmotionmodule::pdispl
 Prescribed displacements from file. More...

Detailed Description

Prescribed motions from file.