FEDEM Solver  R8.0
Source code of the dynamics solver
vpmCommon Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for vpmCommon:


directory  vpmLinAlg


file  cmdLineArgInit.C
 This file contains C++ code for setting up the command-line handler.
file  cmdLineArgInitStd.C
 This file contains C++ code for setting up the command-line handler.
file  environmentTypeModule.f90
 Namelist for reading environment data.
file  FFCmdLineArgInterface.C
 Wrapper for FFaCmdLineArg to facilitate use in shared object libraries.
file  FFCmdLineArgInterface.H [code]
 Wrapper for FFaCmdLineArg to facilitate use in shared object libraries.
file  headingNamelistModule.f90
 Namelist for reading model file name and version.
file  idTypeModule.f90
 Data type for object identification with associated subroutines.
file  prescribedMotionModule.f90
 Prescribed motions from file.
file  rdbModule.f90
 Data type and subroutines for writing FEDEM result files.
file  samModule.f90
 Assembly of FE matrices into system matrices.
file  SignalHandler.C
 Handling of various OS signals casing the program to abort.
file  SignalHandler.H [code]
 Handling of various OS signals casing the program to abort.
file  supElTypeModule.f90
 Superelement object data container.
file  triadTypeModule.f90
 Triad object data container.
file  versionModule.f90
 Handling of program versioning.