FEDEM Solver  R8.0
Source code of the dynamics solver
Data Types | Modules | Functions/Subroutines | Variables
springTypeModule.f90 File Reference

Spring object data containers. More...

Data Types

type  springtypemodule::springfailuretype
 Data type representing a spring failure object. More...
type  springtypemodule::yieldlimittype
 Data type representing a yield force limit. More...
type  springtypemodule::springyieldtype
 Data type representing a spring yield object. More...
type  springtypemodule::springbasetype
 Data type representing a single-DOF base spring object. More...
type  springtypemodule::springptrtype
 Data type representing a base spring pointer. More...
type  springtypemodule::springtype
 Data type representing multi-DOF spring element. More...
interface  springtypemodule::getptrtoid
 Returns pointer to object with specified ID. More...
interface  springtypemodule::writeobject
 Standard routine for writing an object to file. More...
interface  springtypemodule::nullifyspring
 Initializes a spring object. More...
interface  springtypemodule::deallocatesprings
 Deallocates an array of spring objects. More...
interface  springtypemodule::updateatconvergence
 Updates the state variables pertaining to previous time step. More...
interface  springtypemodule::restorefromlaststep
 Restores the state variables from the last converged time step. More...
interface  springtypemodule::checkfailure
 Checks if a spring has passed failure state. More...


module  springtypemodule
 Module with data types representing spring objects.


type(springtype) function, pointer, private springtypemodule::getptrtoidspringelement (array, id)
 Returns pointer to (first) spring element with specified id. More...
type(springbasetype) function, pointer, private springtypemodule::getptrtoidspringbase (array, id, index)
 Returns pointer to (first) base spring with specified id. More...
type(springfailuretype) function, pointer, private springtypemodule::getptrtoidspringfailure (array, id, index)
 Returns pointer to (first) spring failure with specified id. More...
type(springyieldtype) function, pointer, private springtypemodule::getptrtoidspringyield (array, id, index)
 Returns pointer to (first) spring yield with specified id. More...
subroutine, private springtypemodule::writespringbasetype (spr, io, complexity)
 Standard routine for writing an object to io. More...
subroutine, private springtypemodule::writespringelementtype (spring, io, complexity)
 Standard routine for writing an object to io. More...
subroutine springtypemodule::nullifyfailure (failure)
 Initializes a spring failure object. More...
subroutine springtypemodule::deallocatefailures (fails)
 Deallocates an array of spring failure objects. More...
subroutine springtypemodule::nullifyyield (yield)
 Initializes a spring yield object. More...
subroutine springtypemodule::deallocateyields (yields)
 Deallocates an array of spring yield objects. More...
subroutine, private springtypemodule::nullifyspringbase (spr)
 Initializes a spring base object. More...
subroutine, private springtypemodule::nullifyspringelement (spring, sprId, nDofs)
 Initializes a spring element. More...
subroutine, private springtypemodule::deallocatespringbase (spr)
 Deallocates a base spring object. More...
subroutine, private springtypemodule::deallocatespringbases (springs)
 Deallocates an array of base spring object. More...
subroutine springtypemodule::deallocatespring (spring)
 Deallocates a spring element object. More...
subroutine, private springtypemodule::deallocatespringelements (springs)
 Deallocates an array of spring element objects. More...
logical function springtypemodule::isactive (spring)
 Checks whether a spring element is active or not. More...
real(dp) function springtypemodule::springforce (spr, deflection, ierr)
 Evaluates the current force in a spring. More...
real(dp) function springtypemodule::springstiff (spr, deflection, ierr)
 Evaluates the current stiffness in a spring. More...
real(dp) function springtypemodule::springenergy (spr, deflection, ierr)
 Evaluates the current strain energy in a spring. More...
subroutine, private springtypemodule::updatepreviousvalues (spr)
 Updates the state variables pertaining to the previous time step. More...
subroutine, private springtypemodule::restorepreviousvalues (spr)
 Restores the state variables from the last converged time step. More...
subroutine, private springtypemodule::checkdoffailure (spr)
 Checks if a spring has passed failure state. More...
subroutine, private springtypemodule::checkspringfailure (spring)
 Makes the entire spring element fail if one of its DOFs has failed. More...
subroutine springtypemodule::checkyieldlimits (spr, yPos, yNeg)
 Enforces the yield limits on current stiffness and force values. More...
subroutine springtypemodule::setyieldlimit (spr, fLimit)
 Updates the constant yield force range for a spring. More...
subroutine springtypemodule::checkunloading (spr, ierr)
 Checks for elastic unloading of cyclic plastic springs. More...


real(dp), parameter, private springtypemodule::eps_p = 1.0e-8_dp
 Zero deflection tolerance. More...

Detailed Description

Spring object data containers.