FEDEM Solver  R8.0
Source code of the dynamics solver
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springtypemodule::springbasetype Type Reference

Data type representing a single-DOF base spring object. More...

Collaboration diagram for springtypemodule::springbasetype:
Collaboration graph

Public Attributes

 General identification data. More...
logical isactive
 Turns the spring ON/OFF. More...
integer dof
 Which DOF(s) the spring is associated with. More...
integer unloadtype
 Flag for cyclic-plastic springs. More...
type(enginetype), pointer length0engine
 Stress-free length function. More...
real(dp) l0
 Constant stress-free length value. More...
real(dp) l1
 Scaling factor for stress-free length function. More...
real(dp) length0
 Current stress-free length. More...
type(functiontype), pointer stiffnessfunction
 Stiffness-deflection function. More...
type(functiontype), pointer forcefunction
 Force-deflection function. More...
real(dp) s0
 Constant spring stiffness value. More...
real(dp) s1
 Scaling factor for spring stiffness/force function. More...
real(dp) stiffness
 Current spring stiffness. More...
type(enginetype), pointer stiffscaleenginepos
 Optional scaling of stiffness for positive deflection. More...
type(enginetype), pointer stiffscaleengineneg
 Optional scaling of stiffness for negative deflection. More...
real(dp) scale1
 Current scaling coefficient = scale1*stiffScaleEngine. More...
type(springfailuretype), pointer failure
 Data for failure calculation. More...
type(springyieldtype), pointer yield
 Data for yield calculation. More...
real(dp) yielddeflection
 Yield deflection at current time step. More...
real(dp) yielddeflectionprev
 Yield deflection at previous time step. More...
logical hasfailed
 Set to .true. when the spring has failed. More...
logical isinyield
 Set to .true. when the spring is yielding. More...
real(dp), pointer length
 Spring length. More...
logical allocatedlength
 Set to .true. if the length is allocated. More...
real(dp) lengthprev
 Length at previous time step. More...
real(dp) deflection
 Current spring deflection. More...
real(dp) deflectionprev
 Previous spring deflection. More...
real(dp) force
 Current spring force. More...
real(dp) forceprev
 Previous spring force. More...
real(dp) estr
 Current strain energy. More...
real(dp) einp
 Accumulated input energy. More...
real(dp) eyield
 Accumulated yield energy loss. More...
logical, dimension(5) savevar
 Flags indicating which variables should be saved. More...

Detailed Description

Data type representing a single-DOF base spring object.

Member Data Documentation

◆ allocatedlength

logical springtypemodule::springbasetype::allocatedlength

Set to .true. if the length is allocated.

◆ deflection

real(dp) springtypemodule::springbasetype::deflection

Current spring deflection.

◆ deflectionprev

real(dp) springtypemodule::springbasetype::deflectionprev

Previous spring deflection.

◆ dof

integer springtypemodule::springbasetype::dof

Which DOF(s) the spring is associated with.

  • = 0 : axial spring or contact element spring
  • > 0 : the joint variable the spring is acting on
  • < 0 : unattached spring (model inconsistency)

◆ einp

real(dp) springtypemodule::springbasetype::einp

Accumulated input energy.

◆ estr

real(dp) springtypemodule::springbasetype::estr

Current strain energy.

◆ eyield

real(dp) springtypemodule::springbasetype::eyield

Accumulated yield energy loss.

◆ failure

type(springfailuretype), pointer springtypemodule::springbasetype::failure

Data for failure calculation.

◆ force

real(dp) springtypemodule::springbasetype::force

Current spring force.

◆ forcefunction

type(functiontype), pointer springtypemodule::springbasetype::forcefunction

Force-deflection function.

◆ forceprev

real(dp) springtypemodule::springbasetype::forceprev

Previous spring force.

◆ hasfailed

logical springtypemodule::springbasetype::hasfailed

Set to .true. when the spring has failed.

◆ id

type(idtype) springtypemodule::springbasetype::id

General identification data.

◆ isactive

logical springtypemodule::springbasetype::isactive

Turns the spring ON/OFF.

Used by cam joints, contact elements and spring failures

◆ isinyield

logical springtypemodule::springbasetype::isinyield

Set to .true. when the spring is yielding.

◆ l0

real(dp) springtypemodule::springbasetype::l0

Constant stress-free length value.

◆ l1

real(dp) springtypemodule::springbasetype::l1

Scaling factor for stress-free length function.

◆ length

real(dp), pointer springtypemodule::springbasetype::length

Spring length.

For joint springs, this pointer points to the corresponding joint variable. For axial springs it is allocated.

◆ length0

real(dp) springtypemodule::springbasetype::length0

Current stress-free length.

The stress-free length equals l0 + l1*length0Function

◆ length0engine

type(enginetype), pointer springtypemodule::springbasetype::length0engine

Stress-free length function.

◆ lengthprev

real(dp) springtypemodule::springbasetype::lengthprev

Length at previous time step.

◆ s0

real(dp) springtypemodule::springbasetype::s0

Constant spring stiffness value.

◆ s1

real(dp) springtypemodule::springbasetype::s1

Scaling factor for spring stiffness/force function.

◆ savevar

logical, dimension(5) springtypemodule::springbasetype::savevar

Flags indicating which variables should be saved.

◆ scale1

real(dp) springtypemodule::springbasetype::scale1

Current scaling coefficient = scale1*stiffScaleEngine.

◆ stiffness

real(dp) springtypemodule::springbasetype::stiffness

Current spring stiffness.

The spring stiffness equals either s0 + s1*stiffnessFunction, or s0 + s1*d(forceFunction)/dx where s0 is a stiffness coefficient both for stiffnessFunction and forceFunction, i.e., if forceFunction is constant the s0 value represents a stiffness

◆ stiffnessfunction

type(functiontype), pointer springtypemodule::springbasetype::stiffnessfunction

Stiffness-deflection function.

◆ stiffscaleengineneg

type(enginetype), pointer springtypemodule::springbasetype::stiffscaleengineneg

Optional scaling of stiffness for negative deflection.

◆ stiffscaleenginepos

type(enginetype), pointer springtypemodule::springbasetype::stiffscaleenginepos

Optional scaling of stiffness for positive deflection.

◆ unloadtype

integer springtypemodule::springbasetype::unloadtype

Flag for cyclic-plastic springs.

The value has the following interpretation:

  • = 0 : Unloading along the main force/deflection curve
  • = 1 : Unloading with tangent stiffness, positive deflections
  • = 2 : As 1, but also for negative deflections
  • = 3 : Unloading with secant stiffness, both sides

◆ yield

type(springyieldtype), pointer springtypemodule::springbasetype::yield

Data for yield calculation.

◆ yielddeflection

real(dp) springtypemodule::springbasetype::yielddeflection

Yield deflection at current time step.

◆ yielddeflectionprev

real(dp) springtypemodule::springbasetype::yielddeflectionprev

Yield deflection at previous time step.

The documentation for this type was generated from the following file: