subroutine | strainrosettemodule::readstrainelements (infp, strainRosettes, thisPart, err) |
| Initializes strain elements with data from the solver input file. More...
subroutine, private | strainrosettemodule::nullifystrainrosette (rosette) |
| Initializes a strainrosettemodule::strainrosettetype object. More...
subroutine, private | strainrosettemodule::nullifystrainelement (rosette) |
| Initializes a strainrosettemodule::strainelementtype object. More...
subroutine | strainrosettemodule::deallocaterosette (rosette) |
| Deallocates a strainrosettemodule::strainelementtype object. More...
subroutine | strainrosettemodule::checkrosette (ros, nodes, ierr) |
| Checks the nodal ordering of a strain rosette element. More...
subroutine | strainrosettemodule::initstraingauges (gages, alphaGages, posInGl) |
| Initializes the strain gage objects. More...
subroutine | strainrosettemodule::evaluatestraingages (gages, epsC, sigC) |
| Evaluates the given strain gages based on given strain/stress state. More...
subroutine | strainrosettemodule::calcrosettestrains (rosette, displ, ierr) |
| Evaluates the given strain rosette based on the given displacements. More...
subroutine | strainrosettemodule::calczerostartrosettestrains (rosette, displ, ierr) |
| Evaluates the initial strain of a strain rosette. More...
subroutine | strainrosettemodule::printrosettestrains (rosette, time, lpu) |
| Prints the current state of a strain rosette to ASCII file. More...
subroutine | strainrosettemodule::printinitialstrain (rosette, time, lpu) |
| Prints the initial state of a strain rosette to ASCII file. More...
subroutine | strainrosettemodule::printrosetteheading (rosette, globalNodes, minex, posInGl, rosId, feId, lpu) |
| Prints the ASCII file heading for a given strain rosette object. More...
subroutine | strainrosettemodule::calcelmcoordsystem (id, globalNodes, posInGl, X_el, T_el, lpu, ierr, useElCoordSys) |
| Computes nodal coordinates and transformation matrix for an element. More...
subroutine | strainrosettemodule::initstrainrosette (rosette, H_el, madof, addSigma0, sigma0, iprint, lpu, ierr, useElCoordSys, openFiles, calcDisp, vgii) |
| Computes strain-displacement matrices for all strain rosettes. More...
subroutine | calcstrain (eps, idof1, idof2) |
| Computes strain contributions from given DOF range. More...
subroutine | strainrosettemodule::calcrosettedisplacements (rosette, madof, H_el, displ, supTr, lpu, ierr) |
| Computes nodal displacements in a strain rosette. More...
character(len=14), dimension(4), parameter, private | strainrosettemodule::gagetype_p = (/'SINGLE_GAGE ', 'DOUBLE_GAGE_90', 'TRIPLE_GAGE_60', 'TRIPLE_GAGE_45'/) |
| The allowable strain gage types. More...
integer, parameter | strainrosettemodule::singlegage_p = 1 |
| Along X-direction vector. More...
integer, parameter | strainrosettemodule::doublegage_p = 2 |
| 90 degrees sp
integer, parameter | strainrosettemodule::triplegage1_p = 3 |
| 60 degrees sp
integer, parameter | strainrosettemodule::triplegage2_p = 4 |
| 45 degrees sp
Strain rosette object data containers and methods.