type(triadtype) function, pointer, private | triadtypemodule::getptrtoidtriad (array, id, index, userId) |
| Returns pointer to (first) triad with specified ID. More...
subroutine, private | triadtypemodule::writetriadtype (triad, io, complexity) |
| Standard routine for writing an object to io. More...
subroutine | triadtypemodule::nullifytriad (triad) |
| Initializes a triad object. More...
subroutine | triadtypemodule::deallocatetriad (triad) |
| Deallocates a triad object. More...
subroutine | triadtypemodule::deallocatetriads (triads) |
| Deallocates an array of triad objects. More...
subroutine | triadtypemodule::cleartriadforces (triads) |
| Initializes all triad forces to zero. More...
subroutine | triadtypemodule::allocatetriadforces (triad, ierr) |
| Allocates force vectors for frs-output of superelement forces. More...
subroutine | triadtypemodule::allocatenodeforce (triad, ierr) |
| Allocates the total nodal force vector associated with a triad. More...
subroutine | triadtypemodule::updatenodeforce (triad, force) |
| Updates the total nodal force vector associated with a triad. More...
subroutine | triadtypemodule::transsysvectoglobal (triads, inc) |
| Transforms a system vector to global directions. More...
subroutine | triadtypemodule::inctriadspos (triads, inc, useTotalInc) |
| Updates the position matrices for all triads. More...
real(dp) function, dimension(triad%ndofs) | triadtypemodule::gettriadincrement (triad) |
| Returns the current incremental displacement in a triad. More...
subroutine | triadtypemodule::settriadsvelacc (triads, velGlobal, accGlobal) |
| Sets global velocity and acceleration for all triads. More...
subroutine | triadtypemodule::gettriadsvelacc (triads, velGlobal, accGlobal) |
| Gets current velocity and acceleration from all triads. More...
logical function | triadtypemodule::haslocaldirections (triad) |
| Checks if a triad has a local coordinate system attached. More...
subroutine, private | triadtypemodule::transvecglobtosys (triad, v) |
| Transforms a nodal vector from global to system directions. More...
real(dp) function | triadtypemodule::getsysvalue (triad, ldof, v) |
| Returns a component of a vector transformed to system directions. More...
subroutine, private | triadtypemodule::transvecsystoglob (triad, v) |
| Transforms a triad vector from system to global directions. More...
real(dp) function, dimension(size(v)) | triadtypemodule::transvsystoglob (triad, v) |
| Transforms a triad vector from system to global directions. More...
real(dp) function, dimension(size(v)) | triadtypemodule::transvtriadtosys (triad, v) |
| Transforms a triad vector from triad to system directions. More...
subroutine, private | triadtypemodule::transvectriadtosys (triad, v) |
| Transforms a triad vector from triad to system directions. More...
real(dp) function, dimension(size(v)) | triadtypemodule::transvsystotriad (triad, v) |
| Transforms a triad vector from system to triad directions. More...
subroutine, private | triadtypemodule::transvecsystotriad (triad, v) |
| Transforms a triad vector from system to triad directions. More...
real(dp) function, dimension(size(v)) | triadtypemodule::transvtriadtoglob (triad, v) |
| Transforms a triad vector from triad to global directions. More...
subroutine, private | triadtypemodule::transvectriadtoglob (triad, v) |
| Transforms a triad vector from triad to global directions. More...
real(dp) function, dimension(size(v)) | triadtypemodule::transvglobtotriad (triad, v) |
| Transforms a triad vector from global to triad directions. More...
subroutine, private | triadtypemodule::transvecglobtotriad (triad, v) |
| Transforms a triad vector from global to triad directions. More...
subroutine, private | triadtypemodule::transmatglobtosys (triad, A, pos, n) |
| Transforms a matrix from global to system directions for a triad. More...
subroutine, private | triadtypemodule::transmattriadtosys (triad, A, pos, n) |
| Transforms a matrix from triad to system directions for a triad. More...
subroutine, private | triadtypemodule::transmattriadtoglob (triad, A, pos, n) |
| Transforms a matrix from triad to global directions for a triad. More...
integer | triadnamelistmodule::id |
| Base ID of the triad. More...
integer, dimension(10) | triadnamelistmodule::extid |
| User ID path of the triad. More...
integer | triadnamelistmodule::ndofs |
| Number of nodal DOFs (0, 3 or 6) More...
integer | triadnamelistmodule::sysdir |
| System directions flag (0-3) More...
integer, dimension(6) | triadnamelistmodule::bc |
| Boundary condition codes. More...
integer | triadnamelistmodule::savepos |
| Flag indicating whether position should be saved. More...
integer, dimension(7) | triadnamelistmodule::savevar |
| Flags indicating which variables should be saved. More...
character(ldesc_p) | triadnamelistmodule::extdescr |
| User description. More...
real(dp), dimension(4, 3) | triadnamelistmodule::ur |
| Initial position matrix (undeformed state) More...
real(dp), dimension(6) | triadnamelistmodule::urd |
| Initial velocities. More...
real(dp), dimension(6) | triadnamelistmodule::urdd |
| Initial accelerations. More...
real(dp), dimension(3, 3) | triadnamelistmodule::dragparams |
| Drag parameters. More...
Triad object data container.