FEDEM Solver  R8.0
Source code of the dynamics solver
Modules | Variables
environmentTypeModule.f90 File Reference

Namelist for reading environment data. More...


module  environmentnamelistmodule
 Module with a namelist for reading environment data.


real(dp) environmentnamelistmodule::rhoair
 Mass density for the ambient air. More...
real(dp) environmentnamelistmodule::rhowater
 Mass density for sea water. More...
real(dp) environmentnamelistmodule::rhointernal
 Mass density for internal fluids. More...
real(dp) environmentnamelistmodule::rhogrowth
 Mass density for marine growth. More...
real(dp) environmentnamelistmodule::tgrowth
 Marine growth thickness. More...
real(dp), dimension(2) environmentnamelistmodule::zgrowth
 Depth level (start and stop) for the marine growth. More...
real(dp), dimension(3) environmentnamelistmodule::gravity
 Gravitation vector. More...
real(dp) environmentnamelistmodule::seadepth
 Water depth. More...
real(dp) environmentnamelistmodule::sea0
 Global Z-coordinate of the sea surface. More...
real(dp), dimension(4, 3) environmentnamelistmodule::seacs
 Coordinate system for wave and current. More...
integer environmentnamelistmodule::wavetheory
 Wave theory identifier. More...
integer environmentnamelistmodule::wavefunction
 BaseId of the wave function. More...
integer environmentnamelistmodule::wavescaleengine
 BaseId of the wave scale function. More...
integer environmentnamelistmodule::hdfscaleengine
 BaseId of the hydrodynamic force scale function. More...
integer environmentnamelistmodule::currfunction
 BaseId of the current function. More...
integer environmentnamelistmodule::currdirfunction
 BaseId of the current direction function. More...
integer environmentnamelistmodule::currscaleengine
 BaseId of the current scale function. More...

Detailed Description

Namelist for reading environment data.