Fortran wrapper for the FiUserElmPlugin methods.
| SUBROUTINE (fi_ude_init, FI_UDE_INIT) const |
| Loads the user-defined element plugin library into memory. More...
| SUBROUTINE (fi_ude0, FI_UDE0) const |
| Returns the length of the work arrays needed by a user-defined element. More...
| SUBROUTINE (fi_ude1, FI_UDE1) const |
| Initializes the constant (state-independent) part of the work areas. More...
| SUBROUTINE (fi_ude2, FI_UDE2) const |
| Updates the state of a given user-defined element. More...
| SUBROUTINE (fi_ude3, FI_UDE3) const |
| Calculates the local origin of a user-defined element. More...
| SUBROUTINE (fi_ude4, FI_UDE4) const |
| Returns the name of a result quantity of a user-defined element. More...
| SUBROUTINE (fi_ude5, FI_UDE5) const |
| Returns a result quantity value of a user-defined element. More...
| SUBROUTINE (fi_ude6, FI_UDE6) const |
| Calculates the total mass of a user-defined element. More...
Fortran wrapper for the FiUserElmPlugin methods.
◆ SUBROUTINE() [1/8]
( |
fi_ude0 |
, |
) |
| const |
Returns the length of the work arrays needed by a user-defined element.
- eId - Unique id identifying this element instance (the baseID)
- eType - Unique id identifying the element type
- nenod - Number of nodes in the element
- nedof - Number of degrees of freedom in the element
- niwork - Required size of the integer work area for this element
- nrwork - Required size of the double precision work area for this element
◆ SUBROUTINE() [2/8]
( |
fi_ude1 |
, |
) |
| const |
Initializes the constant (state-independent) part of the work areas.
- eId - Unique id identifying this element instance (the baseID)
- eType - Unique id identifying the element type
- nenod - Number of nodes in the element
- nedof - Number of degrees of freedom in the element
- X - Global coordinas of the element nodes (initial configuration)
- T - Local coordinate systems of the element nodes
- iwork - Integer work area for this element
- rwork - Double precision work area for this element
- ierr - Error flag
◆ SUBROUTINE() [3/8]
( |
fi_ude2 |
, |
) |
| const |
Updates the state of a given user-defined element.
- eId - Unique id identifying this element instance (the baseID)
- eType - Unique id identifying the element type
- nenod - Number of nodes in the element
- nedof - Number of degrees of freedom in the element
- X - Global nodal coordinates of the element (current configuration)
- T - Local nodal coordinate systems of the element (current configuration)
- V - Global nodal velocities of the element (current configuration)
- A - Global nodal accelerations of the element (current configuration)
- iwork - Integer work area for this element
- rwork - Real work area for this element
- K - Tangent stiffness matrix
- C - Damping matrix
- M - Mass matrix
- Fs - Internal elastic forces
- Fd - Damping forces
- Fi - Intertia forces
- Q - External forces
- t - Current time
- dt - Time step size
- istep - Time step number
- iter - Iteration number
- ierr - Error flag
This function is invoked once within the Newton iteration loop for each element. It should evaluate the updated tangent matrices and associated force vectors.
◆ SUBROUTINE() [4/8]
( |
fi_ude3 |
, |
) |
| const |
Calculates the local origin of a user-defined element.
- eId - Unique id identifying this element instance (the baseID)
- eType - Unique id identifying the element type
- nenod - Number of element nodes
- X - Global nodal coordinates of the element (current configuration)
- T - Local nodal coordinate systems of the element (current config.)
- iwork - Integer work area for this element
- rwork - Real work area for this element
- Tlg - Current local-to-global transformation matrix for the element
- ierr - Error flag
This function is invoked only in pre- and post-processing tasks, requiring the position of current element. It does not affect the response simulation.
- Note
- The user-defined element plugin does not need to contain this function. If absent, the identity transformation matrix is assumed.
◆ SUBROUTINE() [5/8]
( |
fi_ude4 |
, |
) |
| const |
Returns the name of a result quantity of a user-defined element.
- eId - Unique id identifying this element instance (the baseID)
- eType - Unique id identifying the element type
- idx - Result quantity index
- iwork - Integer work area for this element
- rwork - Real work area for this element
- name - Name of result quantity
- nchar - Maximum length of the result quantity name
- nvar - Total number of result quantities for this element
This function is only invoked once as a pre-processing task.
- Note
- The user-defined element plugin does not need to contain this function. If absent, no output variables are defined.
◆ SUBROUTINE() [6/8]
( |
fi_ude5 |
, |
) |
| const |
Returns a result quantity value of a user-defined element.
- eId - Unique id identifying this element instance (the baseID)
- eType - Unique id identifying the element type
- idx - Result quantity index
- iwork - Integer work area for this element
- rwork - Real work area for this element
- value - The result quantity value
- nvar - Total number of result quantities for this element
This function is only invoked once as a post-processing task after each time increment, when saving results to file.
- Note
- The user-defined element plugin does not need to contain this function. If absent, no output variables are defined.
◆ SUBROUTINE() [7/8]
( |
fi_ude6 |
, |
) |
| const |
Calculates the total mass of a user-defined element.
- eId - Unique id identifying this element instance (the baseID)
- eType - Unique id identifying the element type
- nenod - Number of element nodes
- X - Global nodal coordinates of the element (current configuration)
- iwork - Integer work area for this element
- rwork - Real work area for this element
- mass - Total mass for the element
- ierr - Error flag
This function is invoked only as a pre-processing task, in the process of generating a total mass summary of the model. It does not affect the response simulation.
- Note
- The user-defined element plugin does not need to contain this function. If absent, all user-defined elements are assumed to be mass-less.
◆ SUBROUTINE() [8/8]
( |
fi_ude_init |
, |
) |
| const |
Loads the user-defined element plugin library into memory.
- plugin - List of user-defined plugin libraries
- ncp - Length of the plugin string
- gdata - Global parameters that applies to all element instances
- sign - Text string containing a description of the loaded library
- nchar - Maximum length of the description string
- ierr - Error flag