type(functiontype) function, pointer | functiontypemodule::getptrtoidfunction (array, id) |
| Returns pointer to (first) function shape object with specified ID. More...
type(enginetype) function, pointer | functiontypemodule::getptrtoidengine (array, id, usedByMech, index) |
| Returns pointer to (first) general function with specified ID. More...
subroutine | functiontypemodule::nullifyfunction (func) |
| Initializes a function shape object. More...
subroutine | functiontypemodule::nullifyengine (engine) |
| Initializes a general function object. More...
subroutine | functiontypemodule::deallocatefunction (func) |
| Deallocates a function shape object. More...
subroutine | functiontypemodule::deallocatefuncs (funcs) |
| Deallocates all function shape objects. More...
subroutine | functiontypemodule::deallocateengine (engine) |
| Deallocates a general function object. More...
subroutine | functiontypemodule::deallocateengines (engines) |
| Deallocates all general function objects. More...
subroutine | functiontypemodule::writefunctiontype (func, lpu) |
| Standard routine for writing an object to file. More...
subroutine | functiontypemodule::writeenginetype (engine, lpu) |
| Standard routine for writing an object to file. More...
character(len=lid_p) function | functiontypemodule::getengineid (engine) |
| Returns the id of an engine object, including function type. More...
real(dp) function | functiontypemodule::functionvalue1 (func, xArg, ierr) |
| Evaluates the single-argument function f = f(x). More...
real(dp) function | functiontypemodule::functionvalue2 (func, xArg, ierr) |
| Evaluates the multi-argument function f = f(x,y,z,...). More...
real(dp) function | functiontypemodule::functionderivative1 (func, xArg, derOrder, ierr, eps) |
| Evaluates the derivative of a single-argument function f(x). More...
real(dp) function | functiontypemodule::functionderivative2 (func, xArg, dVar, derOrder, ierr, eps) |
| Evaluates the derivative of a multi-argument function f(x,y,z,...). More...
real(dp) function | functiontypemodule::functionintegral (func, x0, x1, intOrder, ierr) |
| Integrates a function shape over specified domain. More...
logical function | functiontypemodule::canintegrate (func, order) |
| Checks whether a function can be integrated explicitly. More...
logical function | functiontypemodule::isctrlsysused (engines) |
| Checks if any functions have a control system variable as argument. More...
recursive logical function | havectrlsysarg (engine) |
| Checks if a function have a control system variable as argument. More...
subroutine | functiontypemodule::initrampfunction (Tstart, Tend, Tlength, Vmax, ierr) |
| Initializes the ramp-up scaling function (smooth trajectory). More...
subroutine | functiontypemodule::getrampvalue (t, derOr, rVal, ierr) |
| Evaluates the smooth trajectory ramp function. More...