subroutine, public | hydrodynamicsmodule::initfluidmotions (time, env, triads, sups, ierr) |
| Initializes the fluid particle motion cache for all triads in water. More...
logical function, public | hydrodynamicsmodule::getcalculatedfluidmotion (triad, elev, fvel, facc) |
| Returns the latest calculated fluid particle motion at a triad. More...
real(dp) function | hydrodynamicsmodule::watersurfacenormal (normal, gravity, Tlg) |
| Returns the water surface normal vector in local coordinate system. More...
subroutine | hydrodynamicsmodule::evaluatewave (waveFunc, waveTheory, Twave, g, depth, Xg, time, scale, wave, dynp, stat) |
| Evaluates the wave profile, velocity and acceleration at a point. More...
subroutine | hydrodynamicsmodule::evaluatecurrent (currFunc, dirFunc, Tsea, Xg, time, scale, cvel, stat) |
| Evaluates the sea current velocity at the given point and time. More...
real(dp) function, dimension(numarg) | getarg (numArg) |
| Returns the function arguments depending on its dimensionality. More...
subroutine | hydrodynamicsmodule::evaluatesea (env, g, time, istep, inod, x, waterMotion, stat) |
| Evaluates the sea state at the given point and time. More...
real(dp) function, public | hydrodynamicsmodule::getwaveelevation (env, Xg, time, stat) |
| Returns the wave height at the given point and time. More...
subroutine, public | hydrodynamicsmodule::getseastate (env, time, Xg, sea, stat) |
| Evaluates the sea state at the given point and time. More...
subroutine, public | hydrodynamicsmodule::initiatehydrodynbodies (sups, elms, env, restart, ierr) |
| Initiates all hydrodynamic bodies in the model. More...
subroutine | hydrodynamicsmodule::updatehydrodynbody (hydyn, triads, supTr, sLev, gravity, g, wb, ierr) |
| Updates the hydrodynamic body quantities. More...
subroutine | hydrodynamicsmodule::getbeamlength (triad1, triad2, normal, h1, h2, Tlg, weight, Lb, C0b, iEnd) |
| Computes the buoyancy length and center for a two-noded beam. More...
subroutine, public | hydrodynamicsmodule::getmorisonforces (beamId, triads, supTr, urd, urdd, Q, eMa, eCd, hydyn, env, time, istep, iter, ierr) |
| Calculates Morison force contributions for a two-noded beam element. More...
subroutine, public | hydrodynamicsmodule::getbuoyancyforces (supId, triads, supTr, hydyn, env, g, time, iter, Q, ierr) |
| Calculates buoyancy force resultant for a superelement or beam. More...
subroutine, public | hydrodynamicsmodule::getdragforces (Fd, sup, hydyn, env, time, dt, ierr) |
| Calculates drag (and slam) forces for a (partly) submerged body. More...
subroutine | computelocaldragforce (Fdrag, dragParam, uld) |
subroutine | computecoupleddragforce (Fdrag, dragMat, uld) |
subroutine | hydrodynamicsmodule::updatehydrodynamicsatconvergence (hydyn, supTr, ierr) |
| Updates the HydroDynType object after convergence has been achieved. More...
subroutine, public | hydrodynamicsmodule::closehydrodyn (lpu) |
| Closes the hydrodynamics module and report some timings. More...
subroutine, public | hydrodynamicsmodule::diffractioncalc (env, waveFunc, ierr) |
| Performs diffraction analysis using Nemoh. More...
subroutine, public | hydrodynamicsmodule::getdiffractionforces (Q, sup, hydyn, env, time, ierr) |
| Extracts the diffraction force at a given time for a superelement. More...
Calculation of hydrodynamic element loads.