subroutine, public | springroutinesmodule::updatesprings (springs, joints, restart, ierr, updateLength, updateVar) |
| Update all springs in the model. More...
subroutine | updateaxialspringlen (spr, triads, sDir) |
| Updates the length and direction of an axial spring. More...
subroutine | updateglobalspringlen (spr, triad1, triad2) |
| Updates the length of a global spring. More...
subroutine | updategroundedspringlen (spr, triad1) |
| Updates the length of a grounded spring. More...
subroutine | springroutinesmodule::updatespringinterconn (springEl, includeStressStiff, ierr) |
| Corrects spring force and stiffness according to interconnectivity. More...
subroutine | addgeostiffness (Kt, forceDir, activeSpr, KgNom) |
| Adds geometric stiffness terms for a translational spring. More...
subroutine, public | springroutinesmodule::updatespringyields (yields, ierr) |
| Updates the spring yield variables. More...
subroutine | updateyieldlimit (yld) |
| Updates the yield limit by evaluating the yield limit engine. More...
subroutine | springroutinesmodule::calcspringforces (spr, triads, sDir, eV) |
| Calculates system force vector contributions from a spring element. More...
subroutine | springroutinesmodule::calcspringstiffness (spr, triads, sDir, cplStiff, scaleK, eM, includeStressStiff, haveStiffness) |
| Calculates the stiffness matrix contributions from a spring element. More...
subroutine | springroutinesmodule::couplespringforces (spr, cplStiff) |
| Updates spring element forces due to explicit coupling. More...
subroutine | springroutinesmodule::couplespringstiffness (spr, cplStiff, elMat, scaleK, d1) |
| Updates a spring element stiffness matrix due to explicit coupling. More...
subroutine | springroutinesmodule::addinstiffnessforces (FS, RF, spring, sam, ierr) |
| Assembles system force vector contributions from a spring element. More...
subroutine | springroutinesmodule::addindampingforces (FD, RF, spring, sam, alpha2, ierr) |
| Assembles system force vector contributions from a spring element. More...
subroutine, public | springroutinesmodule::addinspringstiffmat (includeStressStiff, scaleK, Nmat, spring, sam, ierr, Rhs) |
| Assembles system stiffness contributions from a spring element. More...
Subroutines for spring calculations.