type(supeltype) function, pointer, private | supeltypemodule::getptrtoidsupel (array, id, userId) |
| Returns pointer to (first) superelement with specified ID. More...
subroutine, private | supeltypemodule::writesupeltype (sup, io, complexity) |
| Standard routine for writing an object to file. More...
subroutine | supeltypemodule::nullifysupel (sup) |
| Initializes a superelement object. More...
subroutine | supeltypemodule::initiatehydyn (hydyn, MorPar) |
| Initiates the hydrodynamics quantities for a superelement. More...
subroutine | supeltypemodule::transformoffset (sup, offset, index) |
| Transforms a reference triad offset vector. More...
subroutine | supeltypemodule::deallocatesupel (sup) |
| Deallocates a superelement object. More...
subroutine | supeltypemodule::deallocatesupels (sups) |
| Deallocates an array of superelement objects. More...
subroutine | supeltypemodule::updatesupelcorot (sup, dbgUnit, stat) |
| Updates the co-rotated system for a superelement. More...
subroutine, private | supeltypemodule::updatepreviousvalues (sup) |
| Updates the state variables pertaining to the previous time step. More...
subroutine, private | supeltypemodule::restorepreviousvalues (sup) |
| Restores the state variables from the last converged time step. More...
subroutine | supeltypemodule::buildfinit (sup) |
| Establishes the deformation vector (finit) for a superelement. More...
real(dp) function, dimension(3, 3) | supeltypemodule::getrsuptosys (sup, n) |
| Returns the transformation matrix to system directions for a triad. More...
subroutine | supeltypemodule::getsupelsvelacc (sups, velGlobal, accGlobal) |
| Gets current velocity and acceleration from all superelements. More...
logical function | supeltypemodule::isbeam (sup) |
| Returns whether a superelement is a beam element or not. More...
character(len=5+lid_p) function | supeltypemodule::getsupelid (sup) |
| Returns the full ID of a superelement. More...
integer, parameter | supelnamelistmodule::maxtriads_p = 10000 |
| Max number of triads. More...
integer, parameter | supelnamelistmodule::maxgendofs_p = 1000 |
| Max number of component modes. More...
integer | supelnamelistmodule::id |
| Base ID of the triad. More...
integer, dimension(10) | supelnamelistmodule::extid |
| User ID path of the superelement. More...
integer | supelnamelistmodule::numloadcase |
| Number of load cases. More...
integer | supelnamelistmodule::numstates |
| Number of states in non-linear reduction. More...
integer | supelnamelistmodule::numgendofs |
| Number of component modes. More...
integer | supelnamelistmodule::numtriads |
| Number of connected triads. More...
integer, dimension(maxtriads_p) | supelnamelistmodule::triadids |
| Base ID of all connected triads. More...
integer, dimension(maxtriads_p) | supelnamelistmodule::nodeids |
| Node numbers associated with the triads. More...
integer | supelnamelistmodule::elpropid |
| ID of the (beam) element properties. More...
integer | supelnamelistmodule::shadowposalg |
| Flag for co-rotated positioning algorithm. More...
integer | supelnamelistmodule::reftriad1id |
| Base ID of first reference triad. More...
integer | supelnamelistmodule::reftriad2id |
| Base ID of second reference triad. More...
integer | supelnamelistmodule::reftriad3id |
| Base ID of third reference triad. More...
integer, dimension(3) | supelnamelistmodule::stressstiffflag |
| Flags for enabling of geometric stiffness. More...
integer | supelnamelistmodule::masscorrflag |
| Flag for enabling mass correction. More...
integer | supelnamelistmodule::recoveryflag |
| Flag for enabling stress recovery. More...
integer, dimension(maxgendofs_p) | supelnamelistmodule::bc |
| Boundary conditions for component modes. More...
integer | supelnamelistmodule::strdmpengineid |
| Base ID for structural damping function. More...
integer | supelnamelistmodule::massengineid |
| Base ID for mass scaling function. More...
integer | supelnamelistmodule::stiffengineid |
| Base ID for stiffness scaling function. More...
integer | supelnamelistmodule::savepos |
| Flag indicating whether position should be saved. More...
integer, dimension(3) | supelnamelistmodule::savevar |
| Flags indicating which variables should be saved. More...
character(ldesc_p) | supelnamelistmodule::extdescr |
| User description. More...
character(lfnam_p), dimension(7) | supelnamelistmodule::inputfiles |
| Superelement matrix files. More...
character(lfnam_p) | supelnamelistmodule::bodyfile |
| Geometry file for hydrodynamics. More...
character(len=128) | supelnamelistmodule::elmgroups |
| Element groups to do recovery for. More...
real(dp), dimension(4, 3) | supelnamelistmodule::suppos |
| Initial position matrix (undeformed state) More...
real(dp), dimension(3) | supelnamelistmodule::offset1 |
| Offset vector for reference point wrt. refTriad1Id. More...
real(dp), dimension(3) | supelnamelistmodule::offset2 |
| Offset vector for reference point wrt. refTriad2Id. More...
real(dp), dimension(3) | supelnamelistmodule::offset3 |
| Offset vector for reference point wrt. refTriad3Id. More...
real(dp) | supelnamelistmodule::stiffscale |
| Stiffness scaling factor. More...
real(dp) | supelnamelistmodule::massscale |
| Mass scaling factor. More...
real(dp), dimension(3, 6) | supelnamelistmodule::dragparams |
| Drag parameters. More...
real(dp), dimension(3) | supelnamelistmodule::slamparams |
| Slamming parameters. More...
real(dp) | supelnamelistmodule::alpha1 |
| Mass proportional damping factor. More...
real(dp) | supelnamelistmodule::alpha2 |
| Stiffness proportional damping factor. More...
real(dp), dimension(maxgendofs_p) | supelnamelistmodule::alpha3 |
| Mass-proportional damping for comp. modes. More...
real(dp), dimension(maxgendofs_p) | supelnamelistmodule::alpha4 |
| Stiff-proportional damping for comp. modes. More...
integer | supelnamelistmodule::supelid |
| Superelement base ID. More...
integer | supelnamelistmodule::triadid |
| Triad base ID. More...
real(dp), dimension(4, 3) | supelnamelistmodule::undposinsupelsystem |
| Undeformed relative triad position. More...
real(dp), dimension(3) | supelnamelistmodule::eccvec |
| Eccentricity vector for stiffness. More...
real(dp), dimension(3) | supelnamelistmodule::eccmass |
| Eccentricity vector for mass. More...
Superelement object data container.