subroutine | sprkindmodule::casttoik (N, IIN, IOUT) |
| Casts an array of integer from default to 64-bit kind. More...
subroutine | sprkindmodule::castfromik (N, IIN, IOUT) |
| Casts an array of integer from 64-bit to default kind. More...
logical function | sysmatrixtypemodule::isallocated (this) |
| Checks if a system matrix object is allocated or not. More...
subroutine | sysmatrixtypemodule::nullifysysmatrix (this) |
| Initializes a system matrix object. More...
subroutine | sysmatrixtypemodule::sharematrixstructure (this, that, needsFactorization, newType, ierr) |
| Lets one system matrix object share the data structure of another. More...
subroutine | sysmatrixtypemodule::allocatesysmatrix (sysMat, ierr, lpu, chName) |
| Allocates storage for a system matrix. More...
subroutine | sysmatrixtypemodule::deallocatesysmatrix (this, ierr) |
| Deallocates all dynamic arrays for a system matrix object. More...
subroutine, private | sysmatrixtypemodule::reallocatesysmat (label, this, newAlloc, ierr) |
| Allocates, reallocates or deallocates a system matrix object. More...
subroutine, private | sysmatrixtypemodule::reallocateskyline (label, this, newAlloc, ierr) |
| Allocates, reallocates or deallocates a skyline storage object. More...
subroutine, private | sysmatrixtypemodule::reallocatesparse (label, this, nspar, ierr) |
| Allocates, reallocates or deallocates a sparse storage object. More...
subroutine, private | sysmatrixtypemodule::reallocategsf (label, this, newAlloc, ierr) |
| Allocates, reallocates or deallocates a GSF storage object. More...
subroutine, private | sysmatrixtypemodule::reallocatepardiso (label, this, newAlloc, ierr) |
| Allocates, reallocates or deallocates a Pardiso storage object. More...
subroutine, private | sysmatrixtypemodule::checksysmatstorage (sysMat, mpar, lpu, ierr) |
| Performs consistency checking of a system matrix storage structure. More...
subroutine, private | sysmatrixtypemodule::checkskylinestorage (skyline, mpar, lpu, ierr) |
| Performs consistency checking of the skyline data structure. More...
subroutine, private | sysmatrixtypemodule::checksparsestorage (sparse, mpar, lpu, ierr) |
| Performs consistency checking of the sparse data structure. More...
subroutine, private | sysmatrixtypemodule::checkpardisostorage (sparse, lpu, ierr) |
| Performs consistency checking of the sparse data structure. More...
subroutine, private | sysmatrixtypemodule::checkgsfstorage (gsf, lpu, ierr) |
| Performs consistency checking of the GSF data structure. More...
integer function | sysmatrixtypemodule::checkgsfinfo (INFO, gsf) |
| Inspects the GSF error flag and outputs the error messages, if any. More...
subroutine | sysmatrixtypemodule::convertsysmat (this, fullMat, ndim, startRow, ksa, ierr) |
| Converts the given system matrix into a full rectangular matrix. More...
subroutine, private | sysmatrixtypemodule::writesysmat (this, mpar, io, text, nelL, complexity) |
| Standard routine for writing an object to file. More...
subroutine | sysmatrixtypemodule::writesysmat2 (this, io, text, complexity) |
| Standard routine for writing an object to file. More...
subroutine, private | sysmatrixtypemodule::writeskymat (matrix, skyline, io, nelLin, complexity) |
| Writes out a skyline matrix, column by column. More...
subroutine, private | sysmatrixtypemodule::writesparsemat (matrix, sparse, io, nelLin, complexity) |
| Writes out a sparse matrix, row by row. More...
subroutine, private | sysmatrixtypemodule::writesparsestructure (this, io, complexity, label) |
| Standard routine for writing an object to file. More...
subroutine | writesubarray (array, from, to, name) |
| Convenience wrapper writing a sub-matrix of given matrix. More...
subroutine | writecon (array, x, y, n, name) |
| Convenience wrapper writing out connectivity arrays. More...
subroutine | writeset (array, from, to, name) |
| Convenience wrapper writing out the index sets of non-zero values. More...
subroutine, private | sysmatrixtypemodule::writepardisomat (matrix, sparse, io, nelLin, complexity) |
| Writes out a sparse matrix, row by row. More...
subroutine | sysmatrixtypemodule::extractdiagonal (this, diag, ierr) |
| Extracts the diagonal elements from the given system matrix. More...
subroutine | sysmatrixtypemodule::savesysmat (this, name, nWord, iFile, ierr) |
| Saves the given system matrix to temporary file. More...
subroutine | sysmatrixtypemodule::restoresysmat (this, name, nWord, iFile, ierr) |
| Restores the given system matrix from temporary file. More...
subroutine | sysmatrixtypemodule::asmsparse (EM, MEEN, MEQN, MPMCEQ, MMCEQ, TTCC, A, IA, JA, B, ierr) |
| Adds matrix elements corresponding to free and constrained DOFs. More...
subroutine | addtorow (jeq, j1, j2, value, ierr) |
| Adds one row into the system matrix. More...
integer, parameter | sprkindmodule::ik = i8 |
| 64-bit integer kind More...
integer, parameter | sprkindmodule::nbik_p = 2*nbi_p |
| Number of bytes per integer(ik) More...
integer, parameter | sysmatrixtypemodule::nbp_p = 8 |
| Number of bytes in a pointer variable. More...
integer, parameter | sysmatrixtypemodule::diagonalmatrix_p = 0 |
| Diagonal format. More...
integer, parameter | sysmatrixtypemodule::skylinematrix_p = 1 |
| Skyline format. More...
integer, parameter | sysmatrixtypemodule::sparsematrix_p = 2 |
| Sparse format using SPR solver. More...
integer, parameter | sysmatrixtypemodule::densematrix_p = 3 |
| Dense format using LAPACK solver. More...
integer, parameter | sysmatrixtypemodule::outofcore_p = 4 |
| Sparse format using GSF solver. More...
integer, parameter | sysmatrixtypemodule::pardiso_p = 5 |
| Sparse format using PARDISO. More...
character(len=18), dimension(0:5), parameter | sysmatrixtypemodule::matrixtype_p = (/ 'diagonal matrix ', 'skyline matrix ', 'sparse matrix ', 'dense matrix ', 'out of core matrix', 'sparse matrix ' /) |
| System matrix type springs. More...
integer(ik), parameter | sysmatrixtypemodule::nspar_p = 60_ik |
| Size of control array MSPAR. More...
type(error_flag), pointer, save | sysmatrixtypemodule::gsfinfo |
| Error flag for the GSF solver. More...
System matrix data container.