FEDEM Solver  R8.0
Source code of the dynamics solver
Data Types | Modules | Functions/Subroutines | Variables
diskMatrixModule.f90 File Reference

Data Types

type  diskmatrixmodule::diskmatrixtype


module  diskmatrixmodule


integer function diskmatrixmodule::dmgetswapsize (n1, n2, autoRamSizeRatio)
subroutine diskmatrixmodule::dmnullify (this)
subroutine diskmatrixmodule::dmwrite (this, lpu, name)
subroutine diskmatrixmodule::dmopen (this, fileName, fileChkSum, nRows, nCols, status, err, nColSwap, swapSize, wantTag)
integer function adjustswapsize (nTot, nSwap)
subroutine diskmatrixmodule::dmsetreadonly (this, err, isReadOnly)
integer(i8) function diskmatrixmodule::dmsize (this, iDim)
subroutine diskmatrixmodule::dmclose (this, err)
subroutine, private diskmatrixmodule::dmgetaddress (this, rInd, cInd, section, index, err)
subroutine, private diskmatrixmodule::dmswap (this, newSection, err)
subroutine, private diskmatrixmodule::dmsingledoublecast (this, ielSwap, nelSwap, toSingle)
subroutine diskmatrixmodule::dmsetvalue (this, value, rInd, cInd, err)
real(dp) function diskmatrixmodule::dmgetvalue (this, rInd, cInd, err)
real(dp) function, dimension(:,:), pointer diskmatrixmodule::dmgetswapsecptr (this, cInd, err)
real(dp) function, dimension(:), pointer diskmatrixmodule::dmgetcolptr (this, cInd, err)
subroutine diskmatrixmodule::dmgetcol (this, cInd, col, err)
subroutine diskmatrixmodule::dmgetrow (this, rInd, row, err)
subroutine diskmatrixmodule::dmmattimesvec (this, xVec, yVec, err, doInitialize)
subroutine diskmatrixmodule::dmmattranstimesvec (this, xVec, yVec, err)
subroutine diskmatrixmodule::dmfindabsmaxrowvalues (this, maxRowVal, err)
subroutine diskmatrixmodule::dmfindminconnections (this, minIdx, minVal, err)


integer, parameter diskmatrixmodule::dmold_p = 0
integer, parameter diskmatrixmodule::dmnsp_p = 1
integer, parameter diskmatrixmodule::dmndp_p = 2
character(len=30), parameter, private diskmatrixmodule::dmtag_p = '#FEDEM disk matrix'

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ adjustswapsize()

integer function dmopen::adjustswapsize ( integer, intent(in)  nTot,
integer, intent(in)  nSwap 