FEDEM Solver  R8.0
Source code of the dynamics solver
Data Types | Modules | Functions/Subroutines | Variables
solExtensionModule.f90 File Reference

Subroutines for solution of linear equation systems. More...

Data Types

interface  solextensionmodule::cssolve
 Solves the linear system of equations Ax = B. More...


module  solextensionmodule
 Module with subroutines for solution of linear equation systems.


subroutine, private solextensionmodule::cssolvea (iop, iopSing, sysMat, rhs, lpu, ierr, eqnInErr, meqnInErr, tolFactorize, scaleOnSing, neq1)
 Solves the linear system of equations Ax = B. More...
subroutine, private solextensionmodule::cssolveb (iop, iopSing, sysMat, rhs, nrhs, lpu, ierr, eqnInErr, meqnInErr, tolFactorize, scaleOnSing, neq1)
 Solves the linear system of equations Ax = B. More...
subroutine solextensionmodule::cssolvesupel (iopSing, sysMat, sysRhs, supElMat, supElRhs, meqn1, meqn2, nrhs, lpu, ierr, Bmatrix, eqnInErr, meqnInErr, tolFactorize, scaleOnSing)
 Performs the superelement reduction for the equation system. More...
subroutine warningonnegativepivots (numneg)
subroutine solextensionmodule::cslanczoseigensolve (aMat, bMat, mip, mop, meqn1, neq, nEigVal, nEigVec, tolerance, shift, eigValues, eigVectors, ipsw, lpu, meqnInErr, ierr)
 Solves the eigenvalue problem (A + λB) * u = 0. More...
subroutine solextensionmodule::csexpand (samData, sveq, svdof, S1, S2)
 Expands and rearranges a solution vector. More...


real(dp), parameter, private solextensionmodule::epsilon_p = 1.0e-12_dp
 Default tolerance. More...

Detailed Description

Subroutines for solution of linear equation systems.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ warningonnegativepivots()

subroutine cssolvesupel::warningonnegativepivots ( integer, intent(in)  numneg)